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Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available | En français Voir les Articles en français

Chemical weapons used in Darfur: Organizations around the world join forces

In a report released last month, Amnesty International has documented the use of suspected chemical weapons by Sudanese government forces against civilians, including very young children, in Jebel Marra, one of the most remote regions of Darfur over the past eight months. Between 200 and...

Conférence de Dany Laferrière à La Sorbonne à Paris le 10 octobre 2016

Conférence de Dany Laferrière à La Sorbonne à Paris le 10 octobre 2016

Au mois de novembre l’année dernière, le CIEF (Centre international d’études francophones) avait invité à La Sorbonne à Paris Dany Laferrière, écrivain Haïtien et membre de l’Académie française, pour une conférence intitulée : ‘J’écris comme je...

Jailed Bahraini human rights activist Nabeel Rajab awaits his trial

 As you already know if you follow our actions, we support freedom of speech and we have been actively supporting imprisoned Saudi blogger Raif Badawi (and his family and wife Ensaf Haidar). More than three years ago we posted a tweet asking our followers to sign the petition by Amnesty...

Sudan: Chemical weapons used against civilians in Darfur conflict, says Amnesty International

Sudan: Chemical weapons used against civilians in Darfur conflict, says Amnesty International

Credible evidence of the use of chemical weapons to kill and maim hundreds of civilians including children in Darfur revealed in a report released by Amnesty International on Thursday. The organization has documented a large number of serious violations of international humanitarian and...

Join the Team UNICEF World Run on October, 9th!

Team UNICEF World Run is a connected and universal charity race to help vulnerable children around the world with one goal: help UNICEF to save, protect and educate children. On 9th October, wherever you are, run 10 km alone or with your team at a time of your choice, and challenge...

Sudan: No Justice for Protester Killings

In September 2013 we covered #SudanRevolts, a wave of anti-austerity protests triggered by the critical economic situation in Sudan, when the government lifted its fuel and cooking gas subsidies to bring its budget under control. More than 200 hundred people (protesters, civilians) were...

Reporters Without Borders: ‘When you kill journalists, you kill information’

The organization’s letter start with a strong sentence: ‘When you kill journalists, you kill more than the information they fought to report. You kill the power of the people to know the truth, to speak up, to fight for a better world.‘ Right now RSF/RWB is leading a...

The Sentry: 'In South Sudan, war crimes shouldn’t pay'

The Sentry: ‘In South Sudan, war crimes shouldn’t pay’

Yesterday The Sentry‘s 2-year investigation revealed networks fueling one of the world’s deadliest conflict zones implicating President Salva Kiir and former Vice President Riek Machar, international banks, arms dealers, multinational oil and mining companies. We live-tweeted the...

Innovation and Its Enemies: Why People Resist New Technologies by Calestous Juma

In February we mentioned the new book by Calestous Juma: Innovation and Its Enemies: Why People Resist New Technologies on Twitter and we shared the information of its release in our Newsletter. As introduced on this page, the book explains the roots of resistance to new technologies...

The Heart of Nuba, a movie on the inspiring story of Dr. Tom Catena

As you may already know if you read our Newsletter, we are supporting The Heart of Nuba, an incredible movie by Kenneth Carlson and a few days ago we had a screening with Max Dana and Members. As usual, it was followed by a discussion....

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