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Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available | En français Voir les Articles en français

Human Rights Watch: Lighting the Way for Human Rights

We started this Human Rights Week on the MagkaSama Project celebrating Orange Day (read our post here, in French) and now we wanted to let you know about an initiative by Human Rights Watch: Lighting the Way for Human Rights – 24 Landmarks Around the World to Serve as Beacons of...

Orange Day 2017 : Unissons-nous contre les violences dans l’espace public

Orange Day 2017 : Unissons-nous contre les violences dans l’espace public

C’est parti pour cette semaine consacrée aux Droits de l’Homme sur le MagkaSama Project (Human Rights Week), et c’est en français que nous débutons avec l’Orange Day 2017 avec le Comité ONU Femmes France. Il s’agit d’une association loi 1901...

Celebrate Human Rights Week with The MagkaSama Project!

Celebrate Human Rights Week with The MagkaSama Project!

Every year since 2008, we celebrate Human Rights Week. It all started with the initiative by our founder, Max Dana, who created an artwork for the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary” Initiative. Sixty people from...

Sudanese newspaper suspended and Human Rights defender detained in Egypt

Sudanese newspaper suspended and Human Rights defender detained in Egypt

There is a crackdown on freedom of the press and freedom of expression in Sudan and in Egypt, once again. If you follow us on Twitter @MagkaSama, you may have seen our recent retweets, don’t hesitate to retweets those tweets as well. The African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies...

Libye : réduits en esclavage parce que noirs – Tribune et Pétition

Libye : réduits en esclavage parce que noirs – Tribune et Pétition

Le drame des migrants n’est pas uniquement celui de la traversée, malheureusement. Cela reste avant toute chose un drame, avant, pendant et après comme vous avez déjà pu vous en rendre compte en lisant les news que nous avons déjà publiées à ce sujet : Une émigration non...

‘L’Oeil du Cyclone’, le film de Sékou Traoré est sorti au cinéma

Les enfants soldats est une triste réalité, un drame que nous avons eu l’occasion d’aborder à de nombreuses reprises, et c’est le sujet du premier long-métrage de Sékou Traoré, qui est l’adaptation d’une pièce de théâtre que le réalisateur a...

Crumbling Congo – the making of a humanitarian emergency by IRIN

We regularly recommend reports and articles to help you better understand what is at stake in Congo. Today we selected an article by IRIN on the Congo crisis: How did we get here? A look on how a political crisis evolved to a “Level 3” humanitarian emergency. The article...

UN warns Sudan over call to send Darfur displaced home

UN warns Sudan over call to send Darfur displaced home

Earlier this month Enough Project Senior Advisor Dr. Suliman Baldo published a new report: Ominous Threats Descending On Darfur. Yesterday The East African published an article about the United Nations declaring that Sudan had to disarm militias in Darfur before those displaced by the...

Trump administration to end protected status for Haiti

Back in September, we published an article about the Temporary Protected Status (TPS), the legal status which protects refugees whose home countries have suffered natural disaster or war from deportation. The Trump administration suggested that it would be up to Congress to ultimately...

Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe resigns, ending 37-year rule

Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe resigns, ending 37-year rule

Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe has resigned, bringing an end to 37 years of rule and sparking jubilant celebrations in the nation’s street, we can read on the BBC website . This news is making the headlines, and rightfully so. In 2013, in our post about conflict minerals,...

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