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Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available | En français Voir les Articles en français

News Digest Haiti: Fuel black market, Aid for the Bahamas, Makenzy Orcel, Parliament vote, Music…

News Digest Haiti: Fuel black market, Aid for the Bahamas, Makenzy Orcel, Parliament vote, Music…

Published every Monday, and updated daily through the week, our News Digest Haiti is a selected compilation of recent stories on various topics to keep an eye on, from grassroots groups, major NGOs and international media sources around the world. Available in English and/or French. If...

News Digest Sudan: UN, Ahmed Rabia, Abdallah Hambdok, Food Crisis, Toxic Mining, Solidarity March…

News Digest Sudan: UN, Ahmed Rabia, Abdallah Hambdok, Food Crisis, Toxic Mining, Solidarity March…

Published every Monday, and updated daily through the week, our News Digest Sudan is a selected compilation of recent stories on various topics to keep an eye on, from grassroots groups, major NGOs and international media sources around the world. Available in English and/or French. If...

News Digest Congo (DRC): Djugu et Nizi, Kananga, Ebola, Démocratie en Afrique et Gouvernance…

News Digest Congo (DRC): Djugu et Nizi, Kananga, Ebola, Démocratie en Afrique et Gouvernance…

Published every Monday, and updated daily through the week, our News Digest Congo (DRC) is a selected compilation of recent stories on various topics to keep an eye on, from grassroots groups, major NGOs and international media sources around the world. Available in English and/or French....

News Digest Tunisia: Elections présidentielle, Ghar El Melh, Lutte contre la déforestation, Reprise du tourisme…

News Digest Tunisia: Elections présidentielle, Ghar El Melh, Lutte contre la déforestation, Reprise du tourisme…

Published every Monday, and updated daily through the week, our News Digest Tunisia is a selected compilation of recent stories on various topics to keep an eye on, from grassroots groups, major NGOs and international media sources around the world. Available in English and/or French. If...

Women in Sudan: ‘Tasqut bas!’, Sexism and Graffiti with Assil Diab

If you read the news round-up from our latest Newsletter, the situation in Sudan is getting tense as the people are peacefully rallying across the country for several months now, but it may not last. We are used to see men in the crowd but women are also taking their part in the protests....

Orange Day: Rallies around the world, #NousToutes #JeMarcheLe24 in Paris

Last week in this post (in French) we mentioned Orange Day, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and the first day of the #16Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence. Saturday we rallied in Paris and we met with members of the FIDH, Femen and other...

Orange Day 2018 : 16 jours d’action contre les violences faites aux femmes

Dans une dizaine de jours nous lancerons notre Human Rights Week 2018 avec à l’honneur, les 10 ans de l’initiative ‘60 Signatures pour le 60ème Anniversaire de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’homme‘ lancée par Max Dana, fondatrice du MagkaSama...

Tunisie : Les salaires sont les plus faibles en Méditerranée (ITES)

C’est l’Institut tunisien des études stratégiques (ITES) qui l’indique. Le site Webdo rapporte les déclarations du directeur général de l’Institut, Néji Jalloul : la Tunisie compte près de 1,7 million de pauvres et près de 60% des familles tunisiennes sont...

The Heart of Nuba: Oscar Nominations, New Screenings and Donation Cards

We are proud to be a partner of The Heart of Nuba (visit our page dedicated to the movie here) and we regularly keep you updated with their latest news and actions as we know many of you are interested in the work of Dr Tom Catena and support him. In their November 2018 Bulletin, The...

The Future of Darfur: ‘RSF brutal, rapacious character will not change’ (Eric Reeves)

As the United States and the European Union have been hard at work rebuilding ties with Sudan, the situation in Darfur is not getting any better, far from it. A year ago, we reported in this post an article by Sudan expert Eric Reeves about the failed UN/African Union “hybrid” Mission...

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