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UNICEF mobilizing hundreds of community workers to fight Ebola outbreak in DRC

MagkaSama Team - May 22, 2018
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Health workers get ready to attend to suspected Ebola patients in Bikoro Hospital, the epicenter of the latest outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo on 12 May 2018

Photo: UNICEF/UN0209048/Naftalin

If we don’t hear much about Ebola anymore in the news outside of Africa, the Government of in the Democratic Republic of the Congo declared a new outbreak of Ebola virus on May 8, and UNICEF is mobilizing hundreds of community workers.

The organization is working with the DRC Government and partners, to mobilize hundreds of community workers to raise awareness among children and families of how to protect themselves against the disease:

The community workers, deployed to Bikoro and Mbandaka health zones, aim to help contain the spread of the outbreak through information campaigns, social mobilization and community engagement, including disseminating information through radio, religious institutions, markets, schools and youth associations. […] In addition to public information campaigns, UNICEF has provided supplies for water and hygiene, including water purification tablets to the Ebola Treatment Centers and communities in Bikoro and Mbandaka, and installed disinfection points in four further health facilities.

You can learn more about the work of UNICEF in Congo (DRC) on this page.

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