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UN warns Sudan over call to send Darfur displaced home

MagkaSama Team - November 23, 2017
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UN warns Sudan over call to send Darfur displaced home

Earlier this month Enough Project Senior Advisor Dr. Suliman Baldo published a new report: Ominous Threats Descending On Darfur.

Yesterday The East African published an article about the United Nations declaring that Sudan had to disarm militias in Darfur before those displaced by the conflict could return home, rebutting a push by President Omar al-Bashir to close the camps.

The East African writes:

Bashir, indicted for genocide and war crimes related to the Darfur conflict, said earlier this month that the crisis in the region had ended and that it was time to shut camps hosting hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people (IDPs). But in a new report, the UN human rights office and African Union mission in Darfur indicated that Bashir’s call was premature.

A few days ago, Sudan Tribune wrote that U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan has demanded the Sudanese government and the armed groups to reach a permanent and general ceasefire in Darfur, the South Kordofan and Blue Nile states.

The same day, Eric Reeves published a very detailed post about the situation in Darfur: As UNAMID deploys out of Darfur: ethnically-targeted violence continues on a wide scale. Reeves explains:

The failed UN/African Union “hybrid” Mission in Darfur (UNAMID)—which has shamelessly and with gross inaccuracy celebrated its success for the almost ten years during which it has been charged with protecting civilians and humanitarians—continues (per its most recent reauthorization by the UN Security Council | June 2017) to draw down its forces on a scale ensuring that what exceedingly limited protection the Mission has offered will be greatly reduced. 44 percent of military personnel are now deploying out of Darfur and 30 percent of the policing personnel. The knock-on effects of withdrawing this hopelessly misconceived, demoralized, ill-equipped, and badly led Mission are many.

Ethnically-targeted attacks on civilians throughout Darfur are taking place everyday, and warnings are raising from everywhere but are, as usual, widely ignored…

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