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News Digest (Aug. 11, 2018): Harriett Baldwin in Darfur, Slavery and torture, Adolphe Muzito, This Is Congo…

MagkaSama Team - August 11, 2018
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News Digest (Aug. 11, 2018): Harriett Baldwin in Darfur, Slavery and torture, Adolphe Muzito, This Is Congo…

This is our second Weekly News Digest of August, it is a selected compilation of recent stories we publish each Saturday during Summertime. Today: British Minister of State for Africa, Harriett Baldwin in North Darfur; Female activists in Sudan; Germany, Sudan sign for refugee projects; Slavery and torture for Darfuri refugees in Chad; This Is Congo – Movie. En français : Adolphe Muzito brigue la présidentielle en RDC; Violence faite aux femmes et aux filles en Haïti; Mobilisation d’écoliers thaïlandais pour le Laos…

In June we supported the crowdfunding campaign launched by Radio Dabanga. We sent a special Newsletter and posted a news to invite you to learn more about their work and support them. If the campaign has ended now, you can still support their work on this page!

High-level British delegation visits North DarfurRadio Dabanga
On Tuesday, a delegation from the United Kingdom led by the British Minister of State for Africa, Harriett Baldwin, visited North Darfur and held talks with the state government in El Fasher. They also visited Abu Shouk camp for the displaced. The British official said that the purpose of the visit is to see the overall security and humanitarian situation in the state, in addition to coordination with the state government in facilitating the provision of assistance and services to the returnees to their villages of origin, as well as building strong partnership between the Sudanese government and the United Kingdom in all aspects. The stated aim of her visit to Darfur was “to emphasise the UK’s calls for an end to ongoing conflict in the area”.

Situation of Female Human Rights Defenders in Sudan: June 2016 – February 2018ACJPS
Women have been pioneers throughout Sudanese social and political history. Tireless campaigns by female activists have helped women achieve their deserved recognition and go on to defend the human rights of others. At the turn of the twentieth century, Babikir Badri campaigned for women’s right to education and triumphed, laying the foundation for all subsequent activities by women in Sudanese public life. In 1946 and 1947, the Sudanese Women’s League and the Educated Girls Association were founded with the mission of using this education to improve women’s economic and social status; together, these two organisations evolved in 1952 into the influential and still-active Sudanese Women’s Union.

Germany, Sudan sign for refugee projects worth €28 mlnRadio Dabanga
The German ambassador for Sudan and the Sudanese government signed agreements for the implementation of projects for refugees and their host communities in El Gedaref, Kassala and South Darfur, totalling €28 million (over $32 million). On Tuesday, both countries signed three agreements, of which the total amount includes €26 million from the German government and €2 million from the European Union. The budget is meant for vocational training centres for refugees and host communities in El Gedaref, Kassala and South Darfur.

Tales of slavery and torture for Darfuri refugees in Chad who have nowhere to goRFI
After languishing 14 years in the safety of a refugee camp, some have risked it all in the hope of making a better life for themselves and their families. Tall, thin, and dressed in a white djellaba, Yahya Juma Haroun, personifies despair. You can see it in his sad eyes, his drooping shoulders and hear it in his raspy voice. Sitting in Djabal camp outside of Goz Beida in eastern Chad, 45-year-old Yahya, a Darfuri refugee, says he went to northern Chad for work to help his two wives and 14 children, so he could pay for their school fees.

Elections en RDC : Adolphe Muzito brigue la présidentielleRadio Okapi
L’ancien Premier ministre, Adolphe Muzito, a déposé mercredi 8 août sa candidature à l’élection présidentielle du 23 décembre prochain. La Commission électorale nationale indépendant (CENI) a réceptionné sa candidature, à quelques heures de la clôture des Bureaux de réception et de traitement des candidatures (BRTC). Adolphe Muzito, suspendu du Parti lumumbiste unifié (PALU) a déposé sa candidature avec l’appui de la plateforme électorale Nouvel Elandont il est l’initiateur. Né en 1957 à Gungu (province du Bandundu), il a occupé le poste dePremier ministre d’octobre 2008 à mars 2012.

This Is Congo / Washington D.C. / E Street CinemaLandmark Theatres
This Is Congo provides an immersive and unfiltered look into Africa’s longest continuing conflict and those who are surviving within it. By following four compelling characters—a whistleblower, a patriotic military commander, a mineral dealer and a displaced tailor—the film offers viewers a truly Congolese perspective on the problems that plague this lushly beautiful nation. Colonel ‘Kasongo,’ Mamadou Ndala, Mama Romance and Hakiza Nyantaba exemplify the unique resilience of a people who have lived and died through the generations due to the cycle of brutality generated by this conflict.

Haiti: La BID enquête sur la violence faite aux femmes et aux fillesLoopHaiti
La Banque interaméricaine de développement (BID) vient de lancer en début de semaine deux enquêtes mobiles sur la violence faite aux femmes et aux filles et sur les migrations internes en Haiti. Ces exercices dont le coût s’élève à 90 000 dollars américains, seront, selon les organisateurs, réalisés à l’aide d’appels téléphoniques enregistrés permettant aux participant(e)s de répondre à des questions de manière anonyme. Loop Haiti publie ci-dessous, in extenso, le communiqué rendu publique par la BID dans le cadre du lancement de ces enquêtes.

Mobilisation d’écoliers thaïlandais pour le LaosLa Chaîne de l’Espoir
Les 21 et 22 juillet, 44 enfants bénéficiaires du programme de parrainage de La Chaîne de l’Espoir ont participé à une formation intitulée “Youth Leadership Development camp” (Camp de formation de jeunes leaders) organisée par notre équipe locale. Cette formation avait comme objectif de renforcer les capacités de ces jeunes à communiquer, à résoudre des problèmes en groupe et encourager les comportements positifs et la confiance en soi. Au terme de ces ateliers de formation, les jeunes leaders ont ainsi présenté leurs propres perspectives d’actions à développer au sein de leurs écoles avec l’appui de La Chaîne de l’Espoir et de leurs professeurs.

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