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Ethiopia: Journalist Eskinder Nega vows to keep fighting

MagkaSama Team - June 6, 2013
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Ethiopia: Journalist Eskinder Nega vows to keep fighting

Last month, we published an article dedicated to Eskinder Nega: Free Ethiopian Journalist Eskinder Nega. This week, we read that The Independent has seen a defiant letter smuggled out of jail by a man who pines for democracy.

The article by Jim Armitage explains:

An Ethiopian journalist who was jailed after publishing a series of articles calling for democratic reforms has penned a letter from prison, seen exclusively by The Independent, in which he decries the “human rights crisis” unfolding in Ethiopia and describes the personal toll of facing 18 years behind bars.’

About the letter:

A copy of Mr Nega’s letter, smuggled out of his cell in Addis Ababa’s notorious Kality Prison, was passed to The Independent for publication as part of its Voices in Danger campaign, which is aimed at publicising the plight of jailed, attacked or harassed reporters around the world. Under the headline “I shall persevere!”, Mr Nega’s letter is a reaction to a ruling handed down by the Ethiopian Supreme Court on 3 May, which rejected his appeal and upheld his 18-year jail sentence. In it, Mr Nega vows to continue his fight for freedom of speech in Ethiopia.’

Just like we did last month, Armitage sends a call to action:

You can help Eskinder’s case. Please share these stories, his journalism, and his prison letter, as widely as you can through social media. Wherever you are in the world, please raise his case with your elected officials and governmental foreign ministers.’

Journalists are not terrorists, and freedom of the press as well as freedom of expression must be supported everywhere. Especially in Ethiopia.

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