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The Bombing Campaign video report by NubaReports

MagkaSama Team - October 28, 2013
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NubaReportsNubaReports has published a new video report on Sudan‘s bombing. When Antonovs hover in the skies above the Nuba Mountains, people hear them from miles away. The shallow buzz of the warplanes emerges slowly from the distance and eventually envelopes the sky.

You can read on NubaReports website:

Today, Nuba’s residents know the sound of an approaching Antonov. They’ve dug foxholes by their kitchens, in their schools, next to their football fields and their markets. People have grown accustomed to the constant threat, but the bombings still take their toll. More than 1194 bombs have been dropped on South Kordofan in the last 18 months, and at least 52 people have been killed. Perhaps even greater are the number of people who have starved to death, or been driven from their homes by the violence. But without records, their struggles may remain hidden forever.

About the video report:

The Sudan government has been dropping bombs in South Kordofan, Sudan since June 2011. Nuba Reports Journalist have confirmed many of these bombings and has recorded many testimonies of the victims. Since April 2012, Nuba Reports have confirmed 1194 bombs dropped in South Kordofan. Bombardment by the Sudan government on its own people is also taking place in Darfur and the Blue Nile areas of Sudan.

Watch the video below to learn more about the situation, share it and spread the word about it.

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