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Darfur: ethnically-targeted violence continues on a wide scale – By Eric Reeves

MagkaSama Team - December 9, 2017
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Chad / Darfurian refugees from Sudan / Djabal camp

UNHCR / F. Noy / December 2011

Max Dana founded The MagkaSama Project in 2003, during the mass slaughter and rape of Darfuri men, women, and children in Western Sudan. It has been recognized as the first genocide in the 21st century. Since then, our goal is to raise awareness about what is going on in Sudan and its provinces (Blue Nile, Darfur, South Kordofan…) and to support organizations working to make Sudan a better place.

Today is United Nations International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime and it is important we never forget that we have a responsibility to prevent future genocides.

For more than 15 years, we have been sharing with you information so everyone could engage and spread the word on the difficult life people of Sudan are living. Among our many resources, Eric Reeves, who is a Senior Fellow at Harvard University’s François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights, has been writing about greater Sudan for the past nineteen years. You know him well as we mention his writings regularly on our website, in our Newsletter and on Twitter.

Reeves is a Sudan researcher and analyst, and every post he writes provides detailed, insightful information. On this Human Rights Week, we couldn’t not mention is incredible work on Sudan. His last post: As UNAMID deploys out of Darfur: ethnically-targeted violence continues on a wide scale starts with a strong statement: ‘The failed UN/African Union “hybrid” Mission in Darfur (UNAMID)—the greatest failure in the history of UN peacekeeping and one of the very most expensive‘…

The failed UN/African Union “hybrid” Mission in Darfur (UNAMID)—the greatest failure in the history of UN peacekeeping and one of the very most expensive—continues (per its most recent reauthorization by the UN Security Council | June 2017) to draw down its forces on a scale ensuring that what exceedingly limited protection the Mission has offered will be greatly reduced. 44 percent of military personnel are now deploying out of Darfur and 30 percent of the policing personnel. The knock-on effects of withdrawing this hopelessly misconceived, demoralized, ill-equipped, and badly led Mission are many.

Tragically, the greatest consequence of UNAMID’s deployment out of Darfur are the continuation, and in some places acceleration, of daily ethnically-targeted attacks on civilians throughout Darfur, primarily by Arab militias controlled or sanctioned by Khartoum. Non-Arab (African) civilians continue to be—as they have been for more than fourteen years—subject to murder, rape, displacement, and loss of property and goods.

Reeves mentions the massive concentration of displaced persons (some 2.7 million in Darfur itself, another 320,000 in eastern Chad refugee camps) and that some 600,000 people have been killed as a direct or indirect result of violence over the past fourteen years…

Read the full article here to know everything about the terrifying situation in Darfur.

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