On Friday last week, we asked our Members, friends and supporters who are concerned about conflict minerals, to watch The Journey of Gold, a Virtual Reality experience exploring Nyamurhale, an artisanal gold mine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
If you visited our dedicated page: En Route to Congo (DRC), you can read the country has the world’s largest reserves of cobalt and diamonds, and significant quantities of gold, copper, tungsten, tin.. These metals have become known as conflict minerals because they’re sourced from areas where conflict is occurring, fueling the violence that has plagued the region for decades. We find these minerals in almost every computer, phone and tablet we own…

Last year we published an article about The Enough Project’s campaign: Demand the Supply: Ranking Consumer Electronics and Jewelry Retail Companies. Here is another article (in French): Congo : Les voitures électriques sont-elles construites par le travail des enfants ? You can read more news about conflict minerals on this page.
From The Journey of Gold website:
Every day you may hold a piece of the Congo in the palm of your hand. Not just used in banking and jewelry, gold can be found in many consumer and industrial products, including cell phones, health care equipment and even airplanes. But have you ever stopped to ask where it comes from? How it’s bought and sold? Or who are the people behind the product?
To learn more, we invite you to join us in “The Journey of Gold”, a Virtual Reality experience exploring Nyamurhale, an artisanal gold mine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Experience how artisanal gold is produced, and meet the miners and cooperative leaders who are working to produce legal, safe, and conflict-free gold– compliant with international standards and guidance.
We invite you to join the campaign and watch the film. It debuted on Discovery VR on September 14th and is available on Discovery VR and YouTube using a VR viewer like Google Cardboard or Daydream View. You can watch the film below.
We will host an online discussion about the movie, and we will send the info via our Newsletter. In the meantime, share the video and spread the word on social networks using: #KnowyourGold #CongoGold #DRCgold!