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MagkaSama Team - February 15, 2013
Share on Facebook Share on Twitter is listed in the List of Organizations we support. Clean water and sanitation have always been in our agenda as we celebrate World Toilet Day and World Water Day every year;  on Tuesday, co-founder Matt Damon announces his strike to raise awareness for the water crisis.

Matt Damon, co-founder of, held a press conference where he announced that to protest the fact that 2.5 billion people lack access to a toilet or basic sanitation, he will be going on a “toilet strike*.”

At the news conference, Damon pointed out that “780 Million people, that’s twice the population of the United States, lack access to clean water.” He then announced his “toilet strike,” declaring: “In protest of this global tragedy, until this issue is resolved, until everyone has access to clean water and sanitation… I will not go to the bathroom.”

Damon challenged reporters to tell him how they celebrated World Toilet Day; observed annually on November 19th, it aims to break the taboo around toilets and draw attention to the global sanitation challenge. Hearing no meaningful responses, Damon asked the press: “[Does] anybody have any idea what invention has saved more lives than any other in the history of humankind? “The Toilet.” To underscore his point about the sanitation component of the water crisis, Damon added “More people have cell phones than toilets.”

You can view entire Press Conference video below, and support the strike by visiting


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