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NGOs call for strong, action-oriented resolution on Sudan at UN Human Rights Council

MagkaSama Team - September 25, 2017
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NGOs call for strong, action-oriented resolution on Sudan at UN Human Rights Council

The MagkaSama Project, with more than 20 other organizations, signed the letter by The African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) regarding the human rights situation in Sudan addressed to the Permanent Representatives of Members and Observer States of the UN Human Rights Council. You can read it on this page.

There are indeed and for good reasons, many concerns raised at US plans to lift sanctions on Sudan. Below, our tweets about the situation:

In july Sudan Democracy First Group published a new report: Manufacturing the Illusion of Stability in Sudan detailing how ‘the campaign orchestrated by the NCP and its international supporters to obscure the violence and political unrest which continue to convulse Sudan, and which are accelerating the economic, social and cultural deprivation of its people‘.

A month later, Act for Sudan and more than 60 U.S.-based Sudanese and American human rights organizations, faith-based organizations and leading advocates sent a Letter to President Trump on Sudan Sanctions to share their concern about the possibility of the United States permanently lifting sanctions on Sudan. ‘Lifting sanctions prematurely and allowing a genocidal government access to financial resources is dangerous and it puts Sudanese, Americans and others at considerable and unnecessary risk.’

Earlier this month, Eric Reeves published an article: Trump Administration Lifting of U.S. Economic Sanctions on the Khartoum Regime Will Assist Tyranny. It provides many resources to reports and articles on the current situation in Sudan and is a must-read to better understand the issue.

On September 14 (via Stop Genocide Now), Sudanese gathered to protest the visit in Washington, D.C of Ibrahim Ghandour, the Foreign Minister of Sudan, one of the architects of genocide that has destroyed their country and millions of lives. They also sent a message to the Administration and Congress that Sudanese support U.S. sanctions: ‘We, Sudanese American citizens, write to request your urgent help in opposing the lifting of U.S. sanctions on Sudan. The lives of our family and friends depend on it. We implore the U.S. to instead impose additional sanctions on the Sudan regime and to specifically target those who support terrorist ideology and networks; commit genocide, mass atrocities and crimes against the people of Sudan; violate human rights and basic freedoms; and undermine genuine peace processes.

You can read Amnesty International Report: Sudan: Courageous and resilient: Activists in Sudan speak out and also Human Rights Watch post: Bashir Visit Highlights Abuses in Darfur. Visit Sudan Unlimited for more useful articles on this page.

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