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Nafie Ali Nafie: Not Welcome in America

MagkaSama Team - May 2, 2013
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Nafie Ali Nafie: Not Welcome in AmericaThe US State Department has invited  a senior delegation of the National Congress Party (NCP), headed by Nafie Ali Nafie, the Sudanese presidential assistant and deputy chairman of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP), to visit the United States for ‘high level talks‘. You read well…

Act for Sudan asks Secretary of State John Kerry to rescind the invitation.

The State Department is readying the proverbial red carpet for one of the leading architects and implementers of the genocide in Sudan, Nafie Ali Nafie.

To survivors of genocide in Sudan, Nafie Ali Nafie is a notorious figure. As a senior advisor to Sudan’s president, Nafie headed the feared National Intelligence and Security Service, established the “ghost houses” of torture, and helped design the regime’s strategy to eliminate or expel indigenous African people by bombing, attacking, raping and starving innocent civilians. The ICC named Nafie as among the key senior officials who were complicit in Bashir’s crimes.

The Administration’s invitation for high-level talks undermines established U. S. policy and violates President Obama’s promise to bar perpetrators of serious human rights violations from entry into the country.

Please join us in protesting this alarming plan: Ask Secretary of State John Kerry to rescind the invitation.

Tweet this: Tell @StateDept that #NafietheButcher is not welcome in the US. No American red carpet for war criminals

We already tweeted about this, please do the same. Read more on Act for Sudan ‘Nafie Ali Nafie: Not Welcome in America‘.

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