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A bipartisan letter sent to President Donald J. Trump regarding the lifting of sanctions on Sudan

MagkaSama Team - July 7, 2017
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A bipartisan letter sent to President Donald J. Trump regarding the lifting of sanctions on Sudan

As you may already know, the lifting of sanctions on Sudan initiated by Barack Obama before he left the office, has since then raised a lot of concerns, among human rights organizations but also among officials and representatives in Europe and in the United States.

A press release has been issued on July, 5 by the bi-partisan Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission (United States Congress) regarding the lifting of sanctions on Sudan:

Congressmen James P. McGovern and Randy Hultgren, Co-Chairs of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, have released a bipartisan letter sent to President Donald J. Trump on June 30 urging him to delay the permanent lifting of sanctions on Sudan.

Noting that the Sudan government has one of the worst human rights records in the world, the letter argues that providing Sudan with permanent sanctions relief now will not increase United States leverage, but rather would empower a genocidal regime.

By delaying sanctions relief, the U.S. government will be able to ensure a thorough review of Sudan’s progress in five areas, including the requirement to ensure unimpeded humanitarian access to regions under siege by the Sudanese armed forces, and lay the ground work for a more constructive relationship that addresses the suffering of the Sudanese people.

The letter was signed by a total of 53 Members of Congress, including 17 members of the Human Rights Commission. The full text is available here.

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