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Action / Petition

Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available | En français Voir les Articles en français

Guiti News, un projet de média indépendant, collectif et collaboratif

Au début du mois, l’équipe de Guiti News a lancé une campagne de financement collaboratif sur Ulule. Sur leur page on peut lire que Guiti news est un projet de média indépendant en ligne qui diffusera toutes les semaines des reportages photo, vidéo et dessin réalisés par la...

Endorse the Nobel Peace Prize 2018 for the global community of Human Rights Defenders!

Over 200 organizations from all over the world have signed on to the open letter initiated by PBI UK endorsing the Nobel Peace Prize for the global community of Human Rights Defenders. As you know, the MagkaSama Project was founded in 2003 during the genocide in Darfur to support Human...

Act for Sudan: ‘The United States must expel Mohammed Atta al-Moula’

Act for Sudan: ‘The United States must expel Mohammed Atta al-Moula’

Last month, Act for Sudan sent a letter to Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo, to express their concern over the acceptance in the United States of Sudan’s former Director of National Intelligence and Security Service (2009-2018), Mohammed Atta al-Moula as the new Charge d’Affaires...

Campagne de financement pour l’exposition en hommage à Vladjimir Legagneur à Paris

Il y a quelques mois, en mars 2018, le photojournaliste haïtien Vladjimir Legagneur était porté disparu alors qu’il effectuait un reportage à Grande Ravine, dans le quartier de Martissant, en périphérie de Port-au-Prince. Le site RFI rapporte que 6 mois plus tard, ses proches...

Soutenez La Chaîne de l’Espoir en participant aux 20km de Paris et des nouvelles de la petite Sophea !

Alors que la rentrée de septembre est maintenant bien entâmée et que le beau temps est toujours là, c’est le moment de faire partager votre énergie accumulée pendant la période estivale en joignant l’utile à l’agréable ! La Chaîne de l’Espoir vous propose...

#RiseforClimate Global Day of Action: Thousands joined the climate movement around the world!

The MagkaSama Project has been advocating for action on environmental issues for more than a decade. In 2015, we covered the COP21 by taking action and joining demonstrations in Paris. You can read more about what we did in this news: COP21 in Paris: Get mobilized for climate! People...

Organizations call for a strong monitoring and reporting mandate on Sudan

Organizations call for a strong monitoring and reporting mandate on Sudan

You can read it every week in our news, the already dire situation in Sudan is getting worse. In a joint letter initiated by the African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS), the MagkaSama Project and 31 other organizations have issued a call ahead of the 39th Session of the...

Take Action; Inspire Change; Make Every Day a Mandela Day!

Take Action; Inspire Change; Make Every Day a Mandela Day!

Mandela Day, celebrated on July 18, is an annual international day adopted by the United Nations. People around the world are celebrating Nelson Mandela as he should have turned 100. Remember these wrods by Nelson Mandela on this special day: ‘A good head and a good heart are always...

La Chaîne de l’Espoir lance un appel pour Mirana, 2 ans

La Chaîne de l’Espoir lance un appel pour Mirana, 2 ans

Si nous parlons régulièrement des activités de La Chaîne de l’Espoir, avec notamment le mois dernier l’expo-vente ‘Les Timouns des Abricots’, nous relayons aussi les appels de l’association lorsqu’il s’agit d’aider au financement d’opérations...

All Sudan Demo: over 400 people calling out Prime Minister Theresa May in London

Last month we announced you the All Sudan Demo organized by Waging Peace on June 30, 2018 in London (read our news here). The organization wanted to mark 29 years since President Omar al-Bashir assumed office after a military coup. Many people rallied Waging Peace #SudanPoorGovernance...

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