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Twitter Roundup

Tweets on Human Rights, Freedom of Expression, Calls to Action and News (also available in French) curated by the MagkaSama Team

@MagkaSama Tweets

Tweets and retweets from the MagkaSama Team. Follow us @MagkaSama!

MagkaSama Project

Encore une merveilleuse action que l'on doit à la remarquable mobilisation des médecins 👨‍⚕️ 👩‍⚕️ de la @chainedelespoir 🙌 Retrouvez les histoires d'Hamidou mais aussi de Samay, Asma, Bintou et de tant d'autres que vous pouvez soutenir en faisant un don 🫶 👉……

Panzi Foundation

The Panzi Youth Ambassadors are holding a webinar to raise awareness & advocate for survivors of sexual violence. The webinar will feature special guests & ambassadors will share their personal experiences. Join us May 20 at 6:30 CAT! Join using this link:

Mukwege Foundation

1. Since many people commemorate the end of #WorldWarII this month, #lestweforget to honour victims and survivors of sexual violence.

Radio Dabanga

#Sudan new ceasefire bid shattered as heavy artillery fire breaks out, death toll climbs above 300. @WHO estimates raise alarm as civilian casualties and injuries surge #SudanNews…

MagkaSama Project

#MustRead on #Sudan - @NesrineMalik in The @guardian: 'That fighting seems partly animated by #Hemedti’s bitterness at how he has been treated by his former partners in the army, and by #Burhan personally' #KeepEyesOnSudan 🇸🇩…

MagkaSama Project

In our latest Newsletter, we provide a list of websites to visit and Twitter accounts to follow for the latest news from #Sudan. Here's an interesting thread by @WagingPeaceUK, a blog written by @AichaElbasri and an article by @MSF_uk in The @guardian. #KeepEyesOnSudan 🇸🇩…

MagkaSama Project

#Sudan: Despite a 24-hour humanitarian ceasefire, medical staff is working under appalling conditions. Civilians can hardly get water, food. After fighting for #democracy, they're now fighting for their lives. +280 dead, over 2600 injured. This is a tragedy. #KeepEyesOnSudan 🇸🇩…

Radio Dabanga

Leaders in #Darfur’s displacement camps denounced comments made by #Sudan's acting Foreign Affairs Minister, Ali El Sadig, who said in a speech earlier this week, “the war in Darfur had ended” and “the displaced had returned to their villages” #SudanNews…

La Chaîne de l'Espoir

☀️ 1er cœur ouvert en totale autonomie au Burkina Faso, lutte contre la malnutrition infantile en #Afghanistan, envoi de 17 tonnes de matériel médical en #Ukraine,… 2022 a été riche en défis majeurs et, grâce à votre soutien, La Chaîne de l’Espoir a pu y faire face. #Merci ☀️

MagkaSama Project

Alors que la campagne #Tsedaka2022 du @fsju s'achève, les besoins de l'ensemble de la communauté nationale sont grandissants. #Générosité #Solidarité 🙌 en soutenant @SamusocialParis @Abbe_Pierre @EMMAUSolidarite … Avec comme chaque année, les mots de notre fondatrice @MaxDana :

MagkaSama Project

#MustRead Thread: Yesterday @WagingPeaceUK hosted an event on #RefugeeWeek2022 in collaboration with @wienerlibrary. Learn more about the stories of @robinlustig's mother and father, #German 🇩🇪 refugees from #WW2; Afaf Mohammed, who had to flee from #Darfur #Sudan 🇸🇩 … 👇…

MagkaSama Project

L'occasion de (re)mettre en lumière tous les bénévoles et volontaires français 🇫🇷 et étrangers, ainsi que les associations qui depuis des mois leur viennent en aide parmi lesquelles @emmaus_france @fsju @Franceterdasile @casip_cojasor @CroixRouge et beaucoup d'autres ! 🙏 2/2

MagkaSama Project

Alors qu'hier nous avons célébré la #JournéeDuRéfugié l'@UNHCRfrance 🇫🇷 indique que plus de 6,5 millions de réfugiés auraient fui l'#Ukraine 🇺🇦 vers les pays voisins depuis le 24 février dernier, et que plus de 7 millions de personnes seraient déplacées au sein même du pays. 1/2

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