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Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available | En français Voir les Articles en français

Orange Day 2017 : Unissons-nous contre les violences dans l’espace public

Orange Day 2017 : Unissons-nous contre les violences dans l’espace public

C’est parti pour cette semaine consacrée aux Droits de l’Homme sur le MagkaSama Project (Human Rights Week), et c’est en français que nous débutons avec l’Orange Day 2017 avec le Comité ONU Femmes France. Il s’agit d’une association loi 1901...

La culture du viol en Libye, une enquête de Cécile Allegra et Céline Bardet (WWoW)

La culture du viol en Libye, une enquête de Cécile Allegra et Céline Bardet (WWoW)

En début de semaine Le Monde a publié le second volet de l’enquête menée par Cécile Allegra avec Céline Bardet et We are Not Weapons of War. La réalisatrice Cécile Allegra (Prix Albert Londres 2015) et Céline Bardet, juriste internationale spécialisée dans les crimes de...

Teaching self-defence to female victims of rape in DR Congo

Teaching self-defence to female victims of rape in DR Congo

Eastern DRC is a region plagued by conflict, where rape is used as a weapon of war. Laurence Fischer, a three-time world karate champion, teaches self-defence to female victims of rape to help them regain self-confidence and rebuild their lives. We learn more in this article published on...

Denis Mukwege : ‘Le viol est un acte terroriste’

Suite à la sortie du film en France ‘L’homme qui répare les femmes‘ dont nous vous parlions le mois dernier, le Docteur Denis Mukwege est très présent dans les médias pour assurer la promotion du film. Il était hier sur le plateau de l’émission Le Grand Journal...

Le film ‘L’homme qui répare les femmes – la colère d’Hippocrate’ sort en France

Sorti l’année dernière aux Pays-Bas, le film de Thierry Michel et Colette Braeckman ‘L’homme qui répare les femmes – la colère d’Hippocrate‘ qui nous présente l’incroyable travail du Docteur Denis Mukwege à l’hopital de Panzi au Congo,...

Women and Genocide National Symposium 2013

Darfur Women Action Group and STAND present the 2nd Annual Women and Genocide in the 21stCentury:  The Case of Darfur National Symposium. You can join hundreds of activists, students, musicians, advocates, and genocide & gender experts to explore the impact of genocide on women. By...

Amal Habbani, Haiti anti-government protest, Rape in India, SRF delegation in France

Amal Habbani, Haiti anti-government protest, Rape in India, SRF delegation in France

Our weekly round-up of must-read stories you might have missed: Amal Habbani: press freedom fighter; Haiti anti-government protest turns violent; Why rape seems worse in India than everywhere else (but actually isn’t); Sudanese Rebels tell world to 'Wake Up' to war. - Amal Habbani:...

Online abuse against women: ‘free speech’ is no justification

This article posted today on The Guardian picked our attention: Death and rape threats against women continue to proliferate on some of the world’s most popular social-media sites. The perpetrators must not be allowed to think they have the right to continue. Laura Bates, the...

NSA spying France, Haiti arrests lawyer, Saudi Women, #SudanRevolts and #Strike4Sudan

NSA spying France, Haiti arrests lawyer, Saudi Women, #SudanRevolts and #Strike4Sudan

Our weekly round-up of must-read stories you might have missed: French Condemn Surveillance by NSA.; Haiti arrests key anti-corruption lawyer; Saudi Women Go For A Spin In Latest Challenge To Driving Ban; Sudan’s NCP warns against opposition calls for UN inquiry into protest killings;...

Greenpeace activists detained, Violence against women & girls, Dr. Denis Mukwege, Malaria, Journalist Intimidation

Greenpeace activists detained, Violence against women & girls, Dr. Denis Mukwege, Malaria, Journalist Intimidation

Our weekly round-up of must-read stories you might have missed: Greenpeace activists detained in Russia; Violence against women and girls; Two Peace Awards for Dr. Denis Mukwege; Leveraging soccer to take shots at malaria; Stop Journalist Intimidation! - Concern for health of...

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