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Sexual violence / Rape

Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available | En français Voir les Articles en français

Join Our Next #ThatsHarassment Online Discussion!

In 2017, months before the #MeToo movement begun (and later #TimesUp), we watched the short films from the newly launched #ThatsHarassment campaign, written and directed by Israeli-American director Sigal Avin, and produced by David Schwimmer with partner Mazdack Rassi, co-founder of Milk...

News Digest Sudan: UN, Ahmed Rabia, Abdallah Hambdok, Food Crisis, Toxic Mining, Solidarity March…

News Digest Sudan: UN, Ahmed Rabia, Abdallah Hambdok, Food Crisis, Toxic Mining, Solidarity March…

Published every Monday, and updated daily through the week, our News Digest Sudan is a selected compilation of recent stories on various topics to keep an eye on, from grassroots groups, major NGOs and international media sources around the world. Available in English and/or French. If...

Orange Day: Rallies around the world, #NousToutes #JeMarcheLe24 in Paris

Last week in this post (in French) we mentioned Orange Day, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and the first day of the #16Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence. Saturday we rallied in Paris and we met with members of the FIDH, Femen and other...

Agencies sound alarm over sexual attacks, murder and torture in Congo

In an article published this afternoon titled: ‘They killed my children and raped me’: sexual violence remains rife in Congo, The Guardian indicates the conflict in Kasai Central province that was thought to have subsided after a peak of violence more than a year ago,...

Denis Mukwege, Nadia Murad awarded 2018 Nobel Peace Prize!

On Friday, Nadia Murad and Congolese Dr Denis Mukwege were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2018 for their “efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war“. We often mention the incredible work of Denis Mukwege at Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, he has been...

The City of Joy Documentary is now available on Netflix

Documentaries have a very important role and we think they have the power to change the world. They promote greater understanding of the major events and issues of our time, and they can educate ourselves about important issues and change our perspective. We frequently organize online...

Oscars: Tunisia Selects ‘Beauty and the Dogs’ for Foreign-Language Category

On Wednesday, The Hollywood Reporter reported that Tunisia has submitted Beauty and the Dogs (Aala Kaf Ifrit), a French-Tunisian drama film written and directed by Kaouther Ben Hania, for the best foreign-language film Oscar. The film premiered in the Un Certain Regard section at Cannes...

Condamnations confirmées pour les viols au Kavumu, le Kasaï toujours en proie aux violences sexuelles

Condamnations confirmées pour les viols au Kavumu, le Kasaï toujours en proie aux violences sexuelles

Le mois dernier nous vous parlions du procès en appel des prévenus (parmi lesquels un élu) condamnés pour les viols de dizaines de bébés et d’enfants. De 2013 à 2016, les petites victimes âgées de 8 mois à 12 ans ont été violées par une milice dans le village de Kavumu,...

Les survivantes de violences sexuelles interpellent la communauté internationale aux côtés du Dr Mukwege

Les survivantes de violences sexuelles interpellent la communauté internationale aux côtés du Dr Mukwege

Il y a quelques jours, en parallèle du Conseil des Droits Humains à Genève, des survivantes de violences sexuelles ont interpelé la communauté internationale pour la reconnaissance et des réparations suite aux agressions qu’elles ont subit. On peut lire sur le site de la...

Viols au Kavumu : l’attente du verdict du procès en appel

Il s’agit de viols de bébés et d’enfants, par dizaines. Pendant 3 ans, de 2013 à 2016, les petites victimes âgées de 8 mois à 12 ans ont été violées par une milice dans le village de Kavumu, dans la province du Sud-Kivu au Congo. Alors qu’une dizaine de...

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