The MagkaSama Project

Refugees / Migration

Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available | En français Voir les Articles en français

We Act Together, a global campaign to shed light on the global refugee crisis by iACT

iACT is launching We Act Together, a global campaign to shed light on the global refugee crisis and inspire action towards peace. In their recent Newsletter, we can read more details about their campaign, and the organization: In 2005, iACT’s Co-founder and Executive Director...

‘All Sudan Cultural Day 2018’ in Birmingham with Waging Peace on May 5, 2018

Waging Peace is a great organization, they do an amazing work campaigning against human rights abuses in Sudan and supporting Sudanese asylum seekers, refugees and the wider diaspora in the UK. They organize in May an event in Birmingham and welcome everyone to their Sudanese community...

Le documentaire ‘L’Ile de Lumière – Quand la France sauve les Boat-People’ ce soir sur France 2

Le documentaire ‘L’Ile de Lumière – Quand la France sauve les Boat-People’ ce soir sur France 2

Deux films documentaires de grande qualité seront proposés ce soir aux télespactateurs français : tout d’abord ‘Tunisie, les voix de la révolution‘ de Marc Ball et Karim Miske sera diffusé sur ARTE à 23h25 (nous y reviendrons plus en détail dans le courant de la...

Sudanese refugees facing deportation amid excessive use of force on peaceful demonstrators in Sudan

Earlier this month, we posted an article about the Belgian government at risk of collapse over Sudan migrants scandal, deportations and torture. French newspaper Le Monde broke the story last year (read our post here) reporting that officials from Khartoum handpicked political opponents...

Conférence de Pierre Henry (France terre d’asile) organisée par La Chaîne de l’Espoir le 15 janvier 2018

Conférence de Pierre Henry (France terre d’asile) organisée par La Chaîne de l’Espoir le 15 janvier 2018

Comme vous le savez déjà si vous nous lisez régulièrement et si vous êtes abonné à notre Newsletter, La Chaîne de l’Espoir organise des conférences mensuelles ouvertes à tous : les Lundis de La Chaîne. Ces rendez-vous se tiennent au siège de l’association (Paris 14ème) et...

Belgian government at risk of collapse over Sudan migrants scandal, deportations and torture

Every year, hundred of thousands of refugees and migrants are willing to risk their lives in Mediterranean or Sahara, or risk freezing to death in snowy Alps to reach France (read our post in French: Situation des migrants en France : les actions de La Cimade et les mots de Raphaël...

Situation des migrants en France : les actions de La Cimade et les mots de Raphaël Pitti

La situation précaire des migrants qui arrivent en Europe et plus particulièrement en France fait quodiennement la une, même si la réalité de ce qu’ils vivent ne semble pas forcément émouvoir l’opinion publique. Après des années de disparitions en mer et de torture...

Sudan: Illegal migration, Religious oppression, Removal of sanctions and the ICC

Here’s a news roundup of the recent news regarding Sudan. We selected four articles we consider worth the read, on topics we regularly evoke on the MagkaSama Project. Let’s start with this article from Sudan Tribune: Sudan vows continued cooperation with EU to combat illegal...

Aid Workers Under Pressure in Calais – Human Rights Watch

Aid Workers Under Pressure in Calais – Human Rights Watch

The life of migrants is not easy when they arrive in a country after their long journey, and it is particularly true for Calais, France. But the situation of aid workers is not easy either according to an article by Helen Griffiths, coordinator in the Children’s Rights Division of Human...

Trump administration to end protected status for Haiti

Back in September, we published an article about the Temporary Protected Status (TPS), the legal status which protects refugees whose home countries have suffered natural disaster or war from deportation. The Trump administration suggested that it would be up to Congress to ultimately...

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