The MagkaSama Project

Refugees / Migration

Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available | En français Voir les Articles en français

News Digest (Aug. 11, 2018): Harriett Baldwin in Darfur, Slavery and torture, Adolphe Muzito, This Is Congo…

News Digest (Aug. 11, 2018): Harriett Baldwin in Darfur, Slavery and torture, Adolphe Muzito, This Is Congo…

This is our second Weekly News Digest of August, it is a selected compilation of recent stories we publish each Saturday during Summertime. Today: British Minister of State for Africa, Harriett Baldwin in North Darfur; Female activists in Sudan; Germany, Sudan sign for refugee projects;...

News Digest (Aug. 4, 2018): Russian soldiers in CAR, Violence in Kasaï, Jean-Pierre Bemba, Ebola, Haiti, Meryam Joobeur…

News Digest (Aug. 4, 2018): Russian soldiers in CAR, Violence in Kasaï, Jean-Pierre Bemba, Ebola, Haiti, Meryam Joobeur…

This is our first Weekly News Digest of August, it is a selected compilation of recent stories we publish each Saturday during Summertime. Today: the testinomy of Abdelhamid Yousif Ismail Adam; Russian soldiers in CAR/Darfur; Jean-Pierre Bemba to run for president December. En français:...

Situation des enfants migrants et lettre ouverte des ONG à Emmanuel Macron

Nous suivons de près la situation des migrants qui arrivent en Europe, et plus particulièrement en France (voir nos articles ici). Vous avez d’ailleurs pu lire notre article publié hier en anglais sur les témoignages de migrants soudanais : Sudanese refugees: From Darfur to...

Sudanese refugees: From Darfur to Germany, through corruption and human trafficking

We regularly write about the controversal EU bilateral development cooperation with Sudan to stem African migration (read our articles here). Earlier this month, Sudan Tribune published an article: Sudan, EU vow further cooperation to combat illegal migration. We learn that Sudan’s...

#WorldRefugeeDay: Show support for families forced to flee!

In June 2016, the UN Refugee Agency launched the #WithRefugees petition to send a message to governments that they must work together and do their fair share for refugees. Everyday we read on the news sad, awful stories about refugees and migrants (read our news on this topic) living hell...

Les migrants de l’Aquarius persona non grata en Italie

Les migrants de l’Aquarius persona non grata en Italie

Nous évoquons régulièrement la situation des nombreux migrants qui quittent leur pays et prennent tous les risques pour rejoindre l’Europe, comme nous vous en parlions dans ces dernières news. Alors que les pays européens peinent à trouver des solutions et que les prises de...

Retour sur la soirée ‘Combattre l’esclavage en Libye et dans le monde’ avec le témoignage d’un réfugié soudanais

En février dernier nous vous invitions à participer à la soirée ‘Combattre l’esclavage en Libye et dans le monde’ organisée par le Collectif Urgence Darfour le 14 février 2018 à Paris. Certains d’entre vous s’y sont rendu et nous ont fait part du succès de la...

‘All Sudan Cultural Day 2018’ Event by Waging Peace was a success!

In this news we published in March, we announced the event organized by Waging Peace on May, 5. Over 750 members of the community joined the organization for ‘All Sudan Cultural Day 2018’ in Birmingham. Sudan’s most famous musicians, like Omer Ihsas attented the event, as well as...

EU’s migration partnership with Sudan: Deals with the devil always unravel

This is not the first time we are denouncing the so-called ‘partnership’ between Europe and Sudan because it legitimizes Sudan’s militia state and it’s harming migrants and refugees. In October last year we published two articles, in French: La France et la...

Haiti: DHS decision to end Haitian immigrant protections questioned

Haiti: DHS decision to end Haitian immigrant protections questioned

On September last year, the Haiti Advocacy Working Group (HAWG) tweeted about the Temporary Protected Status (TPS), the legal status which protects refugees whose home countries have suffered natural disaster or war from deportation. The Trump Administration suggested that it would be up...

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