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Movie / Documentary

Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available | En français Voir les Articles en français

‘Talking About Trees’ de Suhaib Gasmelbari sort aujourd’hui en France

Nous vous conseillons régulièrement des films à côté desquels il ne faut pas passer, et celui de Suhaib Gasmelbari en fait partie. Dans ‘Talking About Trees‘, le réalisateur Soudanais nous fait découvrir quatre cinéastes : Ibrahim, Suleiman, Manar et Altayeb qui...

The Heart of Nuba: Oscar Nominations, New Screenings and Donation Cards

We are proud to be a partner of The Heart of Nuba (visit our page dedicated to the movie here) and we regularly keep you updated with their latest news and actions as we know many of you are interested in the work of Dr Tom Catena and support him. In their November 2018 Bulletin, The...

‘L’héritière et les enfants de Bamako’, le reportage sur Mme Festoc et la Chaîne de l’Espoir

Si vous nous suivez sur Twitter @MagkaSama, vous avez certainement vu notre tweet d’hier vous invitant à regarder le reportage ‘L’héritière et les enfants de Bamako’ diffusé dans l’émission Envoyé Spécial sur France 2. Le reportage, qui a été suivi par plus de...

Mobile Film Festival 2018: 51 minutes for Human Rights #StandUp4HumanRights

Ten years ago, to mark the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), our founder Max Dana launched the ’60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary’ Initiative supported by Amnesty International, UNICEF, UNHCR, Human Rights Watch, FIDH, Reporters without...

Festival Cinéma et droits humains 2018 avec Amnesty International France

Après une très belle 8ème édition l’année dernière à laquelle nous avions assisté, l’édition 2018 du Festival Cinéma et droits humains est de retour au cinéma Le Reflet Médicis du 7 au 13 novembre 2018. L’événement est organisé par les bénévoles...

First edition of the International Anti-Corruption Film Festival in Tunis

First edition of the International Anti-Corruption Film Festival in Tunis

If you follow our dedicated page En Route to Tunisia and if you subscribed to our Twitter List, you are up to date to the news and events in the country. Today we want to share with you an event you shouldn’t miss if you are in Tunisia in the coming weeks. The first edition of the...

The Heart of Nuba Film Screening on October 20, 2018 in Washington DC

For several years now, and more importantly since 2016 when we organized in Paris the first screening in France of the movie The Heart of Nuba, we have been supporting the fantastic, brave work of Dr. Tom Catena in the Nuba Mountains, in Sudan. In 2003 when the MagkaSama Project was...

Sudanese Comedy ‘aKasha’ by Hajooj Kuka (Beats of the Antonov) this week in London

Hajooj Kuka was born in Sudan, he is the founder of Refugee Club and an active member of Girifna. We mentioned him (and Girifna) many times during the terrible events in Sudan in 2013 under #SudanRevolts. His film Beats of the Antonov has won the People’s Choice Award for best...

The City of Joy Documentary is now available on Netflix

Documentaries have a very important role and we think they have the power to change the world. They promote greater understanding of the major events and issues of our time, and they can educate ourselves about important issues and change our perspective. We frequently organize online...

Oscars: Tunisia Selects ‘Beauty and the Dogs’ for Foreign-Language Category

On Wednesday, The Hollywood Reporter reported that Tunisia has submitted Beauty and the Dogs (Aala Kaf Ifrit), a French-Tunisian drama film written and directed by Kaouther Ben Hania, for the best foreign-language film Oscar. The film premiered in the Un Certain Regard section at Cannes...

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