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Freedom of the Press

Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available | En français Voir les Articles en français

Guiti News, un projet de média indépendant, collectif et collaboratif

Au début du mois, l’équipe de Guiti News a lancé une campagne de financement collaboratif sur Ulule. Sur leur page on peut lire que Guiti news est un projet de média indépendant en ligne qui diffusera toutes les semaines des reportages photo, vidéo et dessin réalisés par la...

Campagne de financement pour l’exposition en hommage à Vladjimir Legagneur à Paris

Il y a quelques mois, en mars 2018, le photojournaliste haïtien Vladjimir Legagneur était porté disparu alors qu’il effectuait un reportage à Grande Ravine, dans le quartier de Martissant, en périphérie de Port-au-Prince. Le site RFI rapporte que 6 mois plus tard, ses proches...

Interview Series: Sudan – Part 2: Interview with Radio Dabanga

As of 15 November 2008, Radio Dabanga came on air: an exiled radio station by Sudanese, for Sudanese. Since 1 December 2008, the station aired news and information broadcasts. It currently broadcasts one hour of daily programming from Amsterdam. Radio Dabanga was first and foremost a...

News Digest (Sep. 01, 2018): Amin Mekki Madani dies, Ahmed Al-Dai Bushara Joudah, Peter Biar Ajak, Darfur United, Bobi Wine…

News Digest (Sep. 01, 2018): Amin Mekki Madani dies, Ahmed Al-Dai Bushara Joudah, Peter Biar Ajak, Darfur United, Bobi Wine…

This is our last Weekly News Digest, a selected compilation of recent stories we publish each Saturday during Summertime. Today: Sudanese human rights defender Dr Amin Mekki Madani has died; Darfur United Men’s Team in Los Angeles; El Jareeda and El Tayyar newspapers confiscated;...

Radio Dabanga: 12 days left to support them!

Radio Dabanga: 12 days left to support them!

A couple of weeks ago, we sent a Special Newsletter to let you know about the crowdfunding campaign launched by Radio Dabanga in May. We know many of you decided to support them, and there is still time to make a donation (12 days left!) for those who didn’t participate yet. Last...

Radio Dabanga: Sponsor one day of lifesaving radio!

Radio Dabanga is an independent radio station reaching over 2 000 000 listeners a day in Darfur and Sudan. For almost 10 years, the radio has provided people living in the region with lifesaving information and news. The radio is also providing numerous media and organizations with...

Attacks on reporters by governor’s bodyguards in DRC’s Kasai province (RSF)

Attacks on reporters by governor’s bodyguards in DRC’s Kasai province (RSF)

The Kasai province is a dangerous place to live. Last year IRIN wrote: Crumbling Congo – the making of a humanitarian emergency, and in March we published a post: Kasai Region, the epicenter of recent violence and humanitarian crisis in Congo. Journalists working in the region are also...

Journalistes tunisiens disparus en Libye : le SNJT annonce l’internationalisation de l’affaire

Journalistes tunisiens disparus en Libye : le SNJT annonce l’internationalisation de l’affaire

La semaine dernière se déroulait la Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse et à cette occasion le collectif de défense de Sofien Chourabi et Nadhir Ktari annonce l’internationalisation de l’affaire, peut-on lire dans le HuffPost Tunisie. L’article indique : Le...

RSF Index 2018: Hatred of journalism threatens democracies

The 2018 World Press Freedom Index, compiled by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), reflects growing animosity towards journalists. Hostility towards the media, openly encouraged by political leaders, and the efforts of authoritarian regimes to export their vision of journalism pose a threat...

Myanmar: RSF condemns illogical refusal to free Reuters reporters

Two Reuters journalists, Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, have been detained in Myanmar since Dec. 12, 2017, and Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the international community to step up the pressure on Myanmar. RSF wrote on their website: The two journalists are paying for the...

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