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News Digest Congo (DRC): Enseignant en grève, Mines de Kolwezi, Ebola à Mangina, Catastrophe Ferroviaire,…

News Digest Congo (DRC): Enseignant en grève, Mines de Kolwezi, Ebola à Mangina, Catastrophe Ferroviaire,…

Published every Monday, and updated daily through the week, our News Digest Congo (DRC) is a selected compilation of recent stories on various topics to keep an eye on, from grassroots groups, major NGOs and international media sources around the world. Available in English and/or French....

News Digest Haiti: #PetroCaribeChallenge, Corruption, Bahamas, Festival de Jazz, Choléra,…

News Digest Haiti: #PetroCaribeChallenge, Corruption, Bahamas, Festival de Jazz, Choléra,…

Published every Monday, and updated daily through the week, our News Digest Haiti is a selected compilation of recent stories on various topics to keep an eye on, from grassroots groups, major NGOs and international media sources around the world. Available in English and/or French. If...

Economic growth in Africa has not led to economic opportunity for Africans (Mo Ibrahim Foundation)

The 2018 Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG) is now online and it covers ten years’ worth of data from 2008-2017 inclusive for 54 African countries. The report by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation reveals African governments have failed to translate economic growth into improved...

The Discrimination Against Sudanese Students from Darfur in Sudanese Universities (Report)

As you know very well now, the life of Darfuri is very difficult in Darfur but it is also outside of the war-torned region. Radio Dabanga published a report by Sudan Democracy First Group (SDFG) exposing discrimination against Darfuri students at Sudan universities: Tales of the...

Les 7èmes Rencontres Nationales des acteurs de la solidarité avec Haïti

Les 7èmes Rencontres Nationales des acteurs de la solidarité avec Haïti

Nous relayons régulièrement les rendez-vous en France qui ont pour but d’assurer la promotion d’Haïti, dans le domaine de l’art, de la musique ou bien encore dans le cadre d’échanges et de solidarité. En juin nous vous invitions à participer à...

News Digest (Aug. 18, 2018): Omar al-Bashir’s nomination, Kleptocrats in DRC, Nabeel Rajab, Haitian Book Day…

News Digest (Aug. 18, 2018): Omar al-Bashir’s nomination, Kleptocrats in DRC, Nabeel Rajab, Haitian Book Day…

This is our third Weekly News Digest of August, it is a selected compilation of recent stories we publish each Saturday during Summertime. Today: Bashir’s nomination for a third term; Doctors threaten to strike in Sudan; Rainy season in Sudan; The Sentry reports on kleptocrats in...

A nonprofit is helping Haiti’s literacy rate in the ‘forgotten villages’ of Masson and Sarazin

A nonprofit is helping Haiti’s literacy rate in the ‘forgotten villages’ of Masson and Sarazin

We read an interesting article published on the Haitian Times a couple of days ago titled: How One Organization of Haitian-American Youth is Helping Haiti’s Literacy Rate. Carlotta Mohamed writes about LASH, a mobile project spearheaded by Haitian Americans United for Progress (HAUP), a...

Innovation and Its Enemies: Why People Resist New Technologies by Calestous Juma

In February we mentioned the new book by Calestous Juma: Innovation and Its Enemies: Why People Resist New Technologies on Twitter and we shared the information of its release in our Newsletter. As introduced on this page, the book explains the roots of resistance to new technologies...

Ciné Institute: world-class education and professional job creation in Haiti

Artists for Peace and Justice, a non-profit organization that encourages peace and social justice and addresses issues of poverty around the world, tweeted a few days ago about the new Ciné Institute website. As you may already know, we have been interested in Haitian history and culture...

Mandela Day: Join us and donate 67 minutes of your day to doing something good

Mandela Day is a Sama Day on the MagkaSama Project: each year, we celebrate it. This year we want you to join us and Take Action; Inspire Change; Make Every Day a Mandela Day. As announced in our weekly Newsletter last Sunday, today we are going to organize with some members of the Sama...

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