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Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available | En français Voir les Articles en français

News Digest Congo (DRC): Denis Mukwege, Vaccin Ebola, Massacres à Djugu, Athlétisme, Naufrage,…

News Digest Congo (DRC): Denis Mukwege, Vaccin Ebola, Massacres à Djugu, Athlétisme, Naufrage,…

Published every Monday, and updated daily through the week, our News Digest Congo (DRC) is a selected compilation of recent stories on various topics to keep an eye on, from grassroots groups, major NGOs and international media sources around the world. Available in English and/or French....

News Digest Haiti: Fritz William Michel, Naomi Osaka, Jacques Dessalines, Dieudonne Luma Etienne,…

News Digest Haiti: Fritz William Michel, Naomi Osaka, Jacques Dessalines, Dieudonne Luma Etienne,…

Published every Monday, and updated daily through the week, our News Digest Haiti is a selected compilation of recent stories on various topics to keep an eye on, from grassroots groups, major NGOs and international media sources around the world. Available in English and/or French. If...

News Digest Haiti: #PetroCaribeChallenge, Corruption, Bahamas, Festival de Jazz, Choléra,…

News Digest Haiti: #PetroCaribeChallenge, Corruption, Bahamas, Festival de Jazz, Choléra,…

Published every Monday, and updated daily through the week, our News Digest Haiti is a selected compilation of recent stories on various topics to keep an eye on, from grassroots groups, major NGOs and international media sources around the world. Available in English and/or French. If...

News Digest Congo (DRC): Djugu et Nizi, Kananga, Ebola, Démocratie en Afrique et Gouvernance…

News Digest Congo (DRC): Djugu et Nizi, Kananga, Ebola, Démocratie en Afrique et Gouvernance…

Published every Monday, and updated daily through the week, our News Digest Congo (DRC) is a selected compilation of recent stories on various topics to keep an eye on, from grassroots groups, major NGOs and international media sources around the world. Available in English and/or French....

First edition of the International Anti-Corruption Film Festival in Tunis

First edition of the International Anti-Corruption Film Festival in Tunis

If you follow our dedicated page En Route to Tunisia and if you subscribed to our Twitter List, you are up to date to the news and events in the country. Today we want to share with you an event you shouldn’t miss if you are in Tunisia in the coming weeks. The first edition of the...

Les Haïtiens de nouveau dans la rue pour dénoncer la corruption PetroCaribe

Au mois de mai dernier, nous avions publié un article intitulé : La corruption au centre d’un Colloque international en Haïti dans lequel nous mentionnions la mauvaise gestion des fonds du programme Pétrocaribe. Ce programme est une alliance créée au milieu des années 2000 entre...

The impact of EU migration policies on central Saharan routes – By Clingendael

Clingendael – the Netherlands Institute of International Relations – is a leading think tank and academy on international affairs which aims to contribute to a secure, sustainable and just world. Earlier this month they published an online report on the effects of EU migration...

Elections in DR Congo: Delays and Red Flags – A report by The Sentry

The long-delayed elections in Congo (DRC) will take place on December, 2018. We posted many news about the upcoming DRC general election: in June, opposition leader Jean-Pierre Bemba was acquitted: International Criminal Court acquits DR Congo’s former vice president Bemba on appeal....

South Sudan Peace Deal with armed opposition groups fails to address corruption at root of conflict

In June we posted a news about the peace deal signed in Khartoum: after almost five years of a deadly civil war, South Sudanese President Salva Kiir and South Sudan’s opposition leader Riek Machar met in Khartoum. Read our news: Salva Kiir and Riek Machar strike peace deal in Khartoum....

Interview Series: Sudan – Part 1: Interview with Jérôme Tubiana

Le chercheur Alex de Waal, qui a évoqué un génocide dans les monts Nuba lors du premier conflit dans cette zone dans les années 1980, a ensuite évoqué, au début du conflit du Darfour en 2003-2004, un génocide “par habitude”. Et même si on a pu discuter par la suite de la...

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