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Civil Society

Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available | En français Voir les Articles en français

News Digest Congo (DRC): Denis Mukwege, Vaccin Ebola, Massacres à Djugu, Athlétisme, Naufrage,…

News Digest Congo (DRC): Denis Mukwege, Vaccin Ebola, Massacres à Djugu, Athlétisme, Naufrage,…

Published every Monday, and updated daily through the week, our News Digest Congo (DRC) is a selected compilation of recent stories on various topics to keep an eye on, from grassroots groups, major NGOs and international media sources around the world. Available in English and/or French....

Women in Sudan: ‘Tasqut bas!’, Sexism and Graffiti with Assil Diab

If you read the news round-up from our latest Newsletter, the situation in Sudan is getting tense as the people are peacefully rallying across the country for several months now, but it may not last. We are used to see men in the crowd but women are also taking their part in the protests....

Paris Peace Forum with UN Women, Reporters without Borders, The Elders and many others

In May we announced the first Paris Peace Forum which started this weekend and is taking place in La Grande Halle de La Villette in Paris, France until today. Many organizations are attending the event and we took this opportunity to meet with some of them....

Remaniement ministériel en Tunisie : les nouveaux ministres attendent le vote de confiance

Alors que la situation politique, sociale et économique en Tunisie est particulièrement tendue avec un chômage toujours au dessus des 15% et une inflation dépassant les 7,5% malgré une légère reprise de la croissance, le chef du gouvernement Youssef Chahed a procédé lundi dernier...

Les Haïtiens de nouveau dans la rue pour dénoncer la corruption PetroCaribe

Au mois de mai dernier, nous avions publié un article intitulé : La corruption au centre d’un Colloque international en Haïti dans lequel nous mentionnions la mauvaise gestion des fonds du programme Pétrocaribe. Ce programme est une alliance créée au milieu des années 2000 entre...

Breaking The Silence: Congo Week, October 14 – 20, 2018

Since 2008, we have participated in Breaking The Silence: Congo Week, and many of you joined us in 2013 when we organized events and discussions during this special week. The purpose of Congo Week is to raise global consciousness about the situation in the Congo and advocate for peace,...

UN expert Clement N. Voule calls on Tunisia to safeguard democratic gains

We support Tunisia and its people, you can read our news and articles on our dedicate page to the country: En Route To Tunisia. Since the popular uprising in Tunisia in 2011 (it strarted on December 2010) that protested against corruption, poverty, and political, tunisians overcame heavy...

The City of Joy Documentary is now available on Netflix

Documentaries have a very important role and we think they have the power to change the world. They promote greater understanding of the major events and issues of our time, and they can educate ourselves about important issues and change our perspective. We frequently organize online...

The Discrimination Against Sudanese Students from Darfur in Sudanese Universities (Report)

As you know very well now, the life of Darfuri is very difficult in Darfur but it is also outside of the war-torned region. Radio Dabanga published a report by Sudan Democracy First Group (SDFG) exposing discrimination against Darfuri students at Sudan universities: Tales of the...

Les 7èmes Rencontres Nationales des acteurs de la solidarité avec Haïti

Les 7èmes Rencontres Nationales des acteurs de la solidarité avec Haïti

Nous relayons régulièrement les rendez-vous en France qui ont pour but d’assurer la promotion d’Haïti, dans le domaine de l’art, de la musique ou bien encore dans le cadre d’échanges et de solidarité. En juin nous vous invitions à participer à...

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