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Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available | En français Voir les Articles en français

Join Our Next #ThatsHarassment Online Discussion!

In 2017, months before the #MeToo movement begun (and later #TimesUp), we watched the short films from the newly launched #ThatsHarassment campaign, written and directed by Israeli-American director Sigal Avin, and produced by David Schwimmer with partner Mazdack Rassi, co-founder of Milk...

Paris Peace Forum with UN Women, Reporters without Borders, The Elders and many others

In May we announced the first Paris Peace Forum which started this weekend and is taking place in La Grande Halle de La Villette in Paris, France until today. Many organizations are attending the event and we took this opportunity to meet with some of them....

200e vigile pour la libération de Raif Badawi le 26 octobre à Sherbrooke !

200e vigile pour la libération de Raif Badawi le 26 octobre à Sherbrooke !

Vous êtes nombreux à soutenir Raif Badawi, le blogueur Saudien emprisonné depuis 2012 pour avoir tenu un blog ‘libéral’ prônant la liberté d’expression. Il a été condamné à 10 ans de prison et 1000 coups de fouets pour « insulte à l’Islam ». Certains d’entre...

Breaking The Silence: Congo Week, October 14 – 20, 2018

Since 2008, we have participated in Breaking The Silence: Congo Week, and many of you joined us in 2013 when we organized events and discussions during this special week. The purpose of Congo Week is to raise global consciousness about the situation in the Congo and advocate for peace,...

The City of Joy Documentary is now available on Netflix

Documentaries have a very important role and we think they have the power to change the world. They promote greater understanding of the major events and issues of our time, and they can educate ourselves about important issues and change our perspective. We frequently organize online...

Act for Sudan: ‘The United States must expel Mohammed Atta al-Moula’

Act for Sudan: ‘The United States must expel Mohammed Atta al-Moula’

Last month, Act for Sudan sent a letter to Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo, to express their concern over the acceptance in the United States of Sudan’s former Director of National Intelligence and Security Service (2009-2018), Mohammed Atta al-Moula as the new Charge d’Affaires...

Interview Series: Sudan – Part 4: Jacky Mamou (Collectif Urgence Darfour)

Le Darfour n'est plus au centre de l'actualité depuis longtemps. D’abord parce que la guerre a baissé d'intensité et si les exactions contre les populations continuent, elles sont moins nombreuses et moins massives. Ensuite de nouveaux conflits très meurtriers ont surgi ailleurs :...

Interview Series: Sudan – Part 3: Interview with Esther Sprague (Sudan Unlimited)

It is hard for the Sudanese that I talk with to understand these polices of Europe and the U.S. In the past, both have been strong allies of the people of Sudan in their efforts to secure freedom, equal citizenship and a just peace. It does not make sense to Sudanese for the E.U. to...

#RiseforClimate Global Day of Action: Thousands joined the climate movement around the world!

The MagkaSama Project has been advocating for action on environmental issues for more than a decade. In 2015, we covered the COP21 by taking action and joining demonstrations in Paris. You can read more about what we did in this news: COP21 in Paris: Get mobilized for climate! People...

Organizations call for a strong monitoring and reporting mandate on Sudan

Organizations call for a strong monitoring and reporting mandate on Sudan

You can read it every week in our news, the already dire situation in Sudan is getting worse. In a joint letter initiated by the African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS), the MagkaSama Project and 31 other organizations have issued a call ahead of the 39th Session of the...

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