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Testimonials / Messages

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Don’t forget about Darfur

Thank you for supporting the people of Sudan and not forgetting about Darfur because it is like it never happened but it did… Keep raising awareness like you do!!

Alicia Deng (Sudan)

A day drawing Sama at Max Dana’s Kids Workshop

We liked drawing with the other kids, it was fun! We hope every children in the world could enjoy drawing and we think about the ones who can’t draw and don’t have so much fun… We drew for them.

Steve and David (France)

Sometimes you think you are alone

Sometimes you think you are alone, that your voice doesn’t count but it does. Thanks for your support over the years and for all your positive energy!

Anna Wagner (Germany)

We all have the power to change our lives

It was so great talking with other women and share our experiences. It was very motivating to see some them have succeeded in changing their lives. We all have the power to change our lives.


On the occasion of International Women’s Day

I’ve known the MagkaSama Project for a while and I joined your last online chat, it was great discussing with other people who share the same goal. You gave me positive energy and this is empowerment!

Vanessa (Milan / Italia)

Bashir is killing Sudanese people since 1989

Bashir is killing Sudanese people since 1989 and he is accused of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in Darfur…. I don’t know how we can stop him but there must be a way!! We can’t let people suffer so much and do nothing to help them!

Tom (United States)

Des gens qui donnent tout alors qu’ils n’ont presque rien

Je vois écris en français désolé mais l’anglais est compliqué pour moi. J’ai travaillé bénévolement pour les Restos du coeur et il y a une vraie détresse dans ce monde que beaucoup passent sous silence. En lisant votre site et en suivant ce que vous faites on voit qu’il y a des gens exceptionnels qui donnent tout alors qu’ils n’ont presque rien pendant que... READ MORE

David (Marseille, France)

Empathy is important and should be to everyone

A couple of years ago I attended a kids workshop organised by the Magkasama Project with Max Dana. My two children enjoyed drawing with other kids, it was fun and it made them realised some kids don’t have their luck and that life can be hard. I hope every children in the world could enjoy drawing and we still think everyday about the ones who can’t draw and don’t have so much... READ MORE

Valérie J. (Levallois)

Congolese people are strong but our leaders are weak

Thank you for supporting Congo and the Congolese people!! We are not poor, we are rich but our resources are stolen, women are raped, children are trained to kill…. Congolese people are strong but our leaders are weak and corrupted we deserve better, our children deserve better. Thank you for raising awareness about our problems, we need people like you who want to help, not to steal from... READ MORE

Aminata (Congo)

Together we can do what we can’t do alone!

Hi, my message is for everyone who cares about other people. I didn’t always care about other people until I met with migrants, people who lost everything because of the war. We shouldn’t let people suffer so much, it is not acceptable today. Thank you for caring for other people and give the opportunity for people like me to think they can be useful in some way, together we can do... READ MORE

Richard Egglenbach - Austria (Berlin, Germany)

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