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Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available.

Letters to Deputy Secretary of State and to Congress regarding the Sudan Regime

Letters to Deputy Secretary of State and to Congress regarding the Sudan Regime

Last week, Act for Sudan published two letters: one to Deputy Secretary of State: Humanitarian Aid for the People of Sudan, the other one to Congress: Ongoing Human Rights and International Law Violations by the Sudan Regime. Extract from the first letter addressed to Mr. John J....

Sudan: Illegal migration, Religious oppression, Removal of sanctions and the ICC

Here’s a news roundup of the recent news regarding Sudan. We selected four articles we consider worth the read, on topics we regularly evoke on the MagkaSama Project. Let’s start with this article from Sudan Tribune: Sudan vows continued cooperation with EU to combat illegal...

Darfur: ethnically-targeted violence continues on a wide scale – By Eric Reeves

Max Dana founded The MagkaSama Project in 2003, during the mass slaughter and rape of Darfuri men, women, and children in Western Sudan. It has been recognized as the first genocide in the 21st century. Since then, our goal is to raise awareness about what is going on in Sudan and its...

Sudanese newspaper suspended and Human Rights defender detained in Egypt

Sudanese newspaper suspended and Human Rights defender detained in Egypt

There is a crackdown on freedom of the press and freedom of expression in Sudan and in Egypt, once again. If you follow us on Twitter @MagkaSama, you may have seen our recent retweets, don’t hesitate to retweets those tweets as well. The African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies...

UN warns Sudan over call to send Darfur displaced home

UN warns Sudan over call to send Darfur displaced home

Earlier this month Enough Project Senior Advisor Dr. Suliman Baldo published a new report: Ominous Threats Descending On Darfur. Yesterday The East African published an article about the United Nations declaring that Sudan had to disarm militias in Darfur before those displaced by the...

Ominous Threats Descending On Darfur by Suliman Baldo (Enough Project)

Ominous Threats Descending On Darfur by Suliman Baldo (Enough Project)

In this new report, Enough Project Senior Advisor Dr. Suliman Baldo, analyzes tensions and dynamics surrounding the mandatory weapons collection and unlicensed vehicle regularization/confiscation campaign that is currently underway in the five Darfur and three Kordofan federal states in...

La collaboration de Paris et Bruxelles avec le Soudan pour identifier les dissidents

La collaboration de Paris et Bruxelles avec le Soudan pour identifier les dissidents

Ce n’est pas la première fois que nous abordons le sujet polémique de la collaration entre l’Europe et les autorités Soudanaises dans le cadre de la régulation des migrants. Vous pouvez lire notre édito du mois d’avril dernier : Sudan: From Darfur and chemical...

La France et la Belgique permettent-elles au Soudan de repartier d’Europe des opposants ?

La France et la Belgique permettent-elles au Soudan de repartier d’Europe des opposants ?

C’est la question que l’on est en droit de se poser à la lecture de cet article publié cette semaine sur le site Le Monde. Il est écrit collectivement par des gens bien informés que nous connaissons bien, à savoir Aïcha El Basri, ancienne porte-parole de la Mission de...

Darfuri author Daoud Ibrahim Hari awarded by The May Chidiac Foundation

Darfuri author Daoud Ibrahim Hari awarded by The May Chidiac Foundation

Last week the May Chidiac Foundation (MCF) Media Awards Ceremony 2017 gathered prominent Arabs and international figures in journalism and media along with highly distinguished guests from various sectors and industries. The foundation awarded exceptional journalists and media...

Pirates au Sahara par Jérôme Tubiana (Revue XXI)

Pirates au Sahara par Jérôme Tubiana (Revue XXI)

Le mois dernier nous vous avons proposé de lire l’article (en anglais) de Jérôme Tubiana : Europe’s ‘Migrant Hunters’ qui détaillait comment s’organise le passage des migrants entre le Niger et la Libye. Si vous ne comprenez pas forcément l’anglais et que le...

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