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Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available.

The Discrimination Against Sudanese Students from Darfur in Sudanese Universities (Report)

As you know very well now, the life of Darfuri is very difficult in Darfur but it is also outside of the war-torned region. Radio Dabanga published a report by Sudan Democracy First Group (SDFG) exposing discrimination against Darfuri students at Sudan universities: Tales of the...

Evan Atar Adaha, chirurgien au Soudan du Sud, lauréat du prix Nansen 2018

Nous célébrons régulièrement l’engagement d’hommes et de femmes, médecins d’exception, qui mettent leurs compétences au service des populations les plus démunies. Certains travaillent dans des conditions particulièrement difficiles et ils sauvent quotidiennement...

Act for Sudan: ‘The United States must expel Mohammed Atta al-Moula’

Act for Sudan: ‘The United States must expel Mohammed Atta al-Moula’

Last month, Act for Sudan sent a letter to Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo, to express their concern over the acceptance in the United States of Sudan’s former Director of National Intelligence and Security Service (2009-2018), Mohammed Atta al-Moula as the new Charge d’Affaires...

Interview Series: Sudan – Part 4: Jacky Mamou (Collectif Urgence Darfour)

Le Darfour n'est plus au centre de l'actualité depuis longtemps. D’abord parce que la guerre a baissé d'intensité et si les exactions contre les populations continuent, elles sont moins nombreuses et moins massives. Ensuite de nouveaux conflits très meurtriers ont surgi ailleurs :...

Interview Series: Sudan – Part 3: Interview with Esther Sprague (Sudan Unlimited)

It is hard for the Sudanese that I talk with to understand these polices of Europe and the U.S. In the past, both have been strong allies of the people of Sudan in their efforts to secure freedom, equal citizenship and a just peace. It does not make sense to Sudanese for the E.U. to...

The impact of EU migration policies on central Saharan routes – By Clingendael

Clingendael – the Netherlands Institute of International Relations – is a leading think tank and academy on international affairs which aims to contribute to a secure, sustainable and just world. Earlier this month they published an online report on the effects of EU migration...

South Sudan Peace Deal with armed opposition groups fails to address corruption at root of conflict

In June we posted a news about the peace deal signed in Khartoum: after almost five years of a deadly civil war, South Sudanese President Salva Kiir and South Sudan’s opposition leader Riek Machar met in Khartoum. Read our news: Salva Kiir and Riek Machar strike peace deal in Khartoum....

Interview Series: Sudan – Part 2: Interview with Radio Dabanga

As of 15 November 2008, Radio Dabanga came on air: an exiled radio station by Sudanese, for Sudanese. Since 1 December 2008, the station aired news and information broadcasts. It currently broadcasts one hour of daily programming from Amsterdam. Radio Dabanga was first and foremost a...

Organizations call for a strong monitoring and reporting mandate on Sudan

Organizations call for a strong monitoring and reporting mandate on Sudan

You can read it every week in our news, the already dire situation in Sudan is getting worse. In a joint letter initiated by the African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS), the MagkaSama Project and 31 other organizations have issued a call ahead of the 39th Session of the...

Interview Series: Sudan – Part 1: Interview with Jérôme Tubiana

Le chercheur Alex de Waal, qui a évoqué un génocide dans les monts Nuba lors du premier conflit dans cette zone dans les années 1980, a ensuite évoqué, au début du conflit du Darfour en 2003-2004, un génocide “par habitude”. Et même si on a pu discuter par la suite de la...

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