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Sama Day

Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available.

#WorldRefugeeDay: Show support for families forced to flee!

In June 2016, the UN Refugee Agency launched the #WithRefugees petition to send a message to governments that they must work together and do their fair share for refugees. Everyday we read on the news sad, awful stories about refugees and migrants (read our news on this topic) living hell...

Celebrate Human Rights Day and #StandUp4HumanRights!

Celebrate Human Rights Day and #StandUp4HumanRights!

This week has been a very busy week, and we’re glad many of you could celebrate Human Rights Week with us. We published articles related to Human Rights: Celebrate Human Rights Week with The MagkaSama Project! Orange Day 2017 : Unissons-nous contre les violences dans l’espace...

Human Rights Watch: Lighting the Way for Human Rights

We started this Human Rights Week on the MagkaSama Project celebrating Orange Day (read our post here, in French) and now we wanted to let you know about an initiative by Human Rights Watch: Lighting the Way for Human Rights – 24 Landmarks Around the World to Serve as Beacons of...

Celebrate Human Rights Week with The MagkaSama Project!

Celebrate Human Rights Week with The MagkaSama Project!

Every year since 2008, we celebrate Human Rights Week. It all started with the initiative by our founder, Max Dana, who created an artwork for the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary” Initiative. Sixty people from...

Journée Internationale des Droits de l’Enfant (20 novembre 2017)

La Journée mondiale de l’enfance a été créée en 1954 et est célébrée chaque année le 20 novembre afin de promouvoir le respect et les droits des enfants. Le 20 novembre marque le jour de l’adoption par l’Assemblée de la Déclaration des droits de l’enfant en 1959,...

International Day of Peace: ‘Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All’

International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. It’s an important day we celebrate every year as a Sama Day and the theme for 2017 is “Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All.” As you may already know, ‘magkasama‘ (the name of...

Mandela Day: Join us and donate 67 minutes of your day to doing something good

Mandela Day is a Sama Day on the MagkaSama Project: each year, we celebrate it. This year we want you to join us and Take Action; Inspire Change; Make Every Day a Mandela Day. As announced in our weekly Newsletter last Sunday, today we are going to organize with some members of the Sama...

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