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Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available.

Economic growth in Africa has not led to economic opportunity for Africans (Mo Ibrahim Foundation)

The 2018 Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG) is now online and it covers ten years’ worth of data from 2008-2017 inclusive for 54 African countries. The report by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation reveals African governments have failed to translate economic growth into improved...

The Golden Laundromat: The conflict gold trade from eastern Congo to the United States and Europe (The Sentry)

We regularly mention The Sentry on the MagkaSama Project, an initiative of the Enough Project and Not On Our Watch. As you know, we supported several of the Enough Project campaigns over the years on topics we focus on such as conflict minerals and human rights. The Sentry publishes news...

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-48): Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C

Climate change and global warming are a reality, we can hardly deny it. The world is indeed getting warmer and human activity is largely responsible. It means extreme weather events could become the new normal, with an increasing number of persons displaced by natural disasters....

The Discrimination Against Sudanese Students from Darfur in Sudanese Universities (Report)

As you know very well now, the life of Darfuri is very difficult in Darfur but it is also outside of the war-torned region. Radio Dabanga published a report by Sudan Democracy First Group (SDFG) exposing discrimination against Darfuri students at Sudan universities: Tales of the...

The impact of EU migration policies on central Saharan routes – By Clingendael

Clingendael – the Netherlands Institute of International Relations – is a leading think tank and academy on international affairs which aims to contribute to a secure, sustainable and just world. Earlier this month they published an online report on the effects of EU migration...

Elections in DR Congo: Delays and Red Flags – A report by The Sentry

The long-delayed elections in Congo (DRC) will take place on December, 2018. We posted many news about the upcoming DRC general election: in June, opposition leader Jean-Pierre Bemba was acquitted: International Criminal Court acquits DR Congo’s former vice president Bemba on appeal....

‘There was nobody to help us’ – HART visit to Blue Nile, January 2018

People in Blue Nile, Sudan are suffering. They face many challenges and HART (Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust) visited the region earlier this month, meeting community leaders, activists and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). Earlier this month HART visited #BlueNile in #Sudan. Crowds of...

Demand the Supply: Ranking Consumer Electronics and Jewelry Retail Companies (Enough Project)

Conflict minerals is an important topic we are closely following for a couple of years now as we have been supporting many campaigns and initiatives. Yesterday The Enough Project hosted an activist call to discuss their latest rankings and ways consumers can take action and we of course...

Ominous Threats Descending On Darfur by Suliman Baldo (Enough Project)

Ominous Threats Descending On Darfur by Suliman Baldo (Enough Project)

In this new report, Enough Project Senior Advisor Dr. Suliman Baldo, analyzes tensions and dynamics surrounding the mandatory weapons collection and unlicensed vehicle regularization/confiscation campaign that is currently underway in the five Darfur and three Kordofan federal states in...

Sudan’s use of paramilitaries and militias in internal armed conflicts (Small Arms Survey)

Sudan’s use of paramilitaries and militias in internal armed conflicts (Small Arms Survey)

A new report from the Small Arms Survey’s Human Security Baseline Assessment (HSBA) project examines the history of Sudan’s militia strategy and the role of paramilitaries and militias in the country’s armed conflicts, notably in Darfur, South Kordofan, and Blue Nile. It also...

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