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Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available.

Amal Habbani, Haiti anti-government protest, Rape in India, SRF delegation in France

Amal Habbani, Haiti anti-government protest, Rape in India, SRF delegation in France

Our weekly round-up of must-read stories you might have missed: Amal Habbani: press freedom fighter; Haiti anti-government protest turns violent; Why rape seems worse in India than everywhere else (but actually isn’t); Sudanese Rebels tell world to 'Wake Up' to war. - Amal Habbani:...

No Menstrual Hygiene For Indian Women Holds Economy Back

Sometimes we tend to forget that even simple things like menstrual hygiene can still be an obstacle for women. Sushma Devi, a mother of three in Northern India, stores her “moon cup” on the window sill of the mud-brick veranda that shelters the family goats. We learn a lot about...

Human rights defenders in India, Kirk Whalum for Water, U.S. suspends invitation to Sudanese official

Human rights defenders in India, Kirk Whalum for Water, U.S. suspends invitation to Sudanese official

Our weekly round-up of must-read stories you might have missed: Arbitrary arrest and judicial harassment of human rights defenders in India; Kirk Whalum and his campaign 'Double Nickel Kirk for Water'; U.S. suspends invitation to Senior Sudanese Official. - India: Arbitrary arrest and...

Congo’s Conflict Gold Trade: U.S. Should Sanction Smugglers

In an article posted by Sasha Lezhnev, the Senior Policy Analyst at Enough Project explains why it is the time for the Obama administration to have a major impact and sanction smugglers: This morning the Wall Street Journal published an exposé on the conflict gold trade from eastern...

Sign the Starved for Attention campaign, help rewrite the story of malnutrition!

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and VII Photo present “Starved for Attention” a multimedia campaign exposing the neglected and largely invisible crisis of childhood malnutrition. “Starved for Attention” aims to rewrite the story of malnutrition through a...

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