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Congo (DRC)

Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available.

Les survivantes de violences sexuelles interpellent la communauté internationale aux côtés du Dr Mukwege

Les survivantes de violences sexuelles interpellent la communauté internationale aux côtés du Dr Mukwege

Il y a quelques jours, en parallèle du Conseil des Droits Humains à Genève, des survivantes de violences sexuelles ont interpelé la communauté internationale pour la reconnaissance et des réparations suite aux agressions qu’elles ont subit. On peut lire sur le site de la...

U.S. Treasury sanctions entities linked to corrupt mining and oil deals in Congo

U.S. Treasury sanctions entities linked to corrupt mining and oil deals in Congo

On June 15, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned 14 entities pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13818, which targets serious human rights abuse and corruption, for being affiliated with designated Israeli businessman and billionaire...

Viols au Kavumu : l’attente du verdict du procès en appel

Il s’agit de viols de bébés et d’enfants, par dizaines. Pendant 3 ans, de 2013 à 2016, les petites victimes âgées de 8 mois à 12 ans ont été violées par une milice dans le village de Kavumu, dans la province du Sud-Kivu au Congo. Alors qu’une dizaine de...

International Criminal Court acquits DR Congo’s former vice president Bemba on appeal

The former Congolese vice-president, Jean-Pierre Bemba, has had his convictions for war crimes and crimes against humanity overturned. Bemba was found guilty in 2016 of crimes committed in the neighbouring Central African Republic (CAR) from 2002 to 2003. We can read the official...

Nord-Kivu : Le tourisme dans le Parc des Virunga de nouveau suspendu

Nord-Kivu : Le tourisme dans le Parc des Virunga de nouveau suspendu

Le 14 mai dernier, deux touristes britanniques ont été enlevés et une garde de parc tuée dans la zone de Kibumba dans le Parc national des Virunga au Congo. L’Institut congolais pour la conservation de la nature (ICCN) avait alors pris la décision de fermer le parc jusqu’à...

UNICEF mobilizing hundreds of community workers to fight Ebola outbreak in DRC

If we don’t hear much about Ebola anymore in the news outside of Africa, the Government of in the Democratic Republic of the Congo declared a new outbreak of Ebola virus on May 8, and UNICEF is mobilizing hundreds of community workers. We're mobilizing hundreds of community...

Attacks on reporters by governor’s bodyguards in DRC’s Kasai province (RSF)

Attacks on reporters by governor’s bodyguards in DRC’s Kasai province (RSF)

The Kasai province is a dangerous place to live. Last year IRIN wrote: Crumbling Congo – the making of a humanitarian emergency, and in March we published a post: Kasai Region, the epicenter of recent violence and humanitarian crisis in Congo. Journalists working in the region are also...

Rape survivors protest against increasing violence in Congo (DRC)

Hundreds of rape survivors protested against increasing violence this week, following latest mass rapes in Congo. This is the news we can read on the Denis Mukwege Foundation website. More than 800 Congolese survivors of wartime sexual violence gathered in Bukavu, urging the Congolese...

#WeAreCongo: The Conference to bring attention to a mega crisis unfolding in Congo (DRC)

Last week, OCHA, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the European Union hosted a Humanitarian Conference on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on 13 April 2018. OCHA published on their website the details regarding the humanitarian conference, attended by 54 countries in addition to...

Kasai Region, the epicenter of recent violence and humanitarian crisis in Congo (DRC)

We already mentioned the dire humanitarian crisis in the Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Last year we published an editorial (in French): Denis Mukwege et l’avenir de la RD du Congo. IRIN also published an article on the Congo crisis: How did we get here? A...

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