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Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available.

News Digest (Sep. 01, 2018): Amin Mekki Madani dies, Ahmed Al-Dai Bushara Joudah, Peter Biar Ajak, Darfur United, Bobi Wine…

News Digest (Sep. 01, 2018): Amin Mekki Madani dies, Ahmed Al-Dai Bushara Joudah, Peter Biar Ajak, Darfur United, Bobi Wine…

This is our last Weekly News Digest, a selected compilation of recent stories we publish each Saturday during Summertime. Today: Sudanese human rights defender Dr Amin Mekki Madani has died; Darfur United Men’s Team in Los Angeles; El Jareeda and El Tayyar newspapers confiscated;...

Myanmar: RSF condemns illogical refusal to free Reuters reporters

Two Reuters journalists, Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, have been detained in Myanmar since Dec. 12, 2017, and Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the international community to step up the pressure on Myanmar. RSF wrote on their website: The two journalists are paying for the...

Rohingya Crisis: UNHCR offers ‘mental health first aid’ to traumatised refugees

Rohingya refugees have been fleeing violence in Myanmar at a staggering rate – and the numbers keep growing. Last month UNHCR published a video to show their work, offering ‘mental health first aid’ to traumatised refugees. More than 600,000 Rohingya refugees from Myanmar...

Myanmar : Stop aux massacres des Rohingyas en Birmanie!

Ce qu’il se passe actuellement en Birmanie est une catastrophe humaine et humanitaire. Amnesty International vient de lancer une pétition : De nombreuses informations font état d’homicides commis par les forces de sécurité du Myanmar, et les images satellites montrent que des...

‘J’ai vu partout le même visage’, le livre de François Zimeray

‘J’ai vu partout le même visage’, le livre de François Zimeray

François Zimeray est une personnalité que nous apprécions au sein du MagkaSama Project et pour cause : il fait parti des 60 signataires de l’initiative lancée en 2008 par notre fondatrice, Max Dana, à l’occasion du 60ème anniversaire de la Déclaration Universelle des...

Myanmar bans Time magazine, CMH Global Arts After School, War Deaths in Syria,  Grim Anniversary in Sudan

Myanmar bans Time magazine, CMH Global Arts After School, War Deaths in Syria, Grim Anniversary in Sudan

Our weekly round-up of must-read stories you might have missed: Myanmar bans Time magazine for story about monk; CMH Global Arts After School summer programming; War Deaths in Syria Said to Top 100,000; A Grim Anniversary in Sudan. - Myanmar bans Time magazine for story about monk -...

Join our One Million Bones Discussion Group tomorrow!

Last week we published an article about the One Million Bones initiative: on June 8, one million handmade human bones, created by students, artists, and activists will be laid on the National Mall as a symbolic mass grave and visible petition for bold action towards an end to genocide and...

Join One Million Bones on June 8 on the National Mall, Washington D.C.

On June 8, one million handmade human bones, created by students, artists, and activists will be laid on the National Mall as a symbolic mass grave and visible petition for bold action towards an end to genocide and mass atrocities. The installation will cover the area between 3rd and 7th...

One Million Bones, a social arts practice to raise awareness of ongoing genocides and mass atrocities

One Million Bones, a project of The Art of Revolution, is a large-scale social arts practice which combines education, hands-on art making, and public installations to raise awareness of ongoing genocides and mass atrocities in Sudan, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo,...

Satellite Images Detail Destruction in Meiktila, Burma

Human Rights Watch published an article regarding satellite images showing detail destruction in Meiktila, Burma. The Burmese government should thoroughly investigate and hold accountable those who incited and committed deadly violence in Meiktila in central Burma from March 20 to 22,...

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