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Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available.

The Art of Resilience in the Democratic Republic of the Congo – By Darcy Ataman

This week we celebrate Human Rights Week on The MagkaSama Project and it’s the occasion to highlight the work and events by organizations, foundations and partners we support for a long time. We already mentioned ONU Femmes France and Ornage Day, and also Lighting the Way for Human...

Human Rights Watch: Lighting the Way for Human Rights

We started this Human Rights Week on the MagkaSama Project celebrating Orange Day (read our post here, in French) and now we wanted to let you know about an initiative by Human Rights Watch: Lighting the Way for Human Rights – 24 Landmarks Around the World to Serve as Beacons of...

Orange Day 2017 : Unissons-nous contre les violences dans l’espace public

Orange Day 2017 : Unissons-nous contre les violences dans l’espace public

C’est parti pour cette semaine consacrée aux Droits de l’Homme sur le MagkaSama Project (Human Rights Week), et c’est en français que nous débutons avec l’Orange Day 2017 avec le Comité ONU Femmes France. Il s’agit d’une association loi 1901...

Celebrate Human Rights Week with The MagkaSama Project!

Celebrate Human Rights Week with The MagkaSama Project!

Every year since 2008, we celebrate Human Rights Week. It all started with the initiative by our founder, Max Dana, who created an artwork for the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary” Initiative. Sixty people from...

Journée Internationale des Droits de l’Enfant (20 novembre 2017)

La Journée mondiale de l’enfance a été créée en 1954 et est célébrée chaque année le 20 novembre afin de promouvoir le respect et les droits des enfants. Le 20 novembre marque le jour de l’adoption par l’Assemblée de la Déclaration des droits de l’enfant en 1959,...

Egyptian President al-Sisi in Paris: The protest (RSF), the conference and the petition (Amnesty)

On Monday, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi arrived in Paris for an official visit where he met with French President Emmanuel Macron. Last month we posted an article about Egyptian photojournalist Mahmoud Abu Zeid (known as Shawkan) who was arrested (with other people and...

John Prendergast and Ian Schwab (Enough Project): ‘The Sudan Sanctions Must Stay’

John Prendergast and Ian Schwab (Enough Project): ‘The Sudan Sanctions Must Stay’

A few months ago, we wrote an editorial about the bewildering (to say the least) lift of U.S sanctions on Sudan in: Sudan: From Darfur and chemical attacks to European partnership and U.S collaboration. In a recent article published on U.S. News & World Report website, John...

NGOs call for strong, action-oriented resolution on Sudan at UN Human Rights Council

NGOs call for strong, action-oriented resolution on Sudan at UN Human Rights Council

The MagkaSama Project, with more than 20 other organizations, signed the letter by The African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) regarding the human rights situation in Sudan addressed to the Permanent Representatives of Members and Observer States of the UN Human Rights...

The MagkaSama Project website is back online, for Members only

The MagkaSama Project website is back online, for Members only

Subscribers to our Newsletter know it already, but we are happy to announce that our new and totally revamped website is now up and running. The MagkaSama Project website is accessible to logged-in members only, and we hope that you like the new design and find it easier to navigate and...

Projection du film ‘The Good Lie’ avec Reese Witherspoon et Discussion sur le Soudan

Le week-end dernier nous avons eu le plaisir d’accueillir une partie de nos Membres parisiens pour une projection du film ‘The Good Lie’, avec le soutien de l’association américaine The Enough Project qui nous a fourni de nombreuses éléments afin d’animer...

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