The MagkaSama Project
Welcome to The MagkaSama Project Website

Our Mission

From the Newsletter Max Dana started in 2003 to draw attention and alert to the unfolding genocide in Darfur (Sudan) to the “60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary” Initiative in 2008, the MagkaSama Project's mission for more than fifteen years now, is to mobilize individuals and communities to push forward Human Rights issues and to promote Global Awareness. Learn more about us

Collect and Share Information

We gather information and cross sources to provide the most accurate and verified news and reports to effectively engage supporters

Inform and Connect

We share information with our contacts, partner organizations and activists to set up discussions and campaign awareness

Mobilize People Globally

Our goal is to mobilize individuals and communities to support causes and take action together for effectiveness

En Route To...

Selected resources and information on 4 countries we focus on: Sudan / South Sudan, Congo (DRC), Haiti and Tunisia.
History, News round-up, Organizations, Video, Book recommendations and Tweets.
On 30 June 1989, Colonel Omar al-Bashir led a bloodless military coup and later became a one-party state. In February 2003, the war in Darfur (a region in western Sudan) started and the Government of Sudan carried out genocide against Darfur civilians: 480,000 people have been killed, and over 2.6 million people are displaced...
In 1960 the Belgian Congo gains its independence and becomes the Republic of the Congo, the second-largest country in Africa. The country has the world’s largest reserves of cobalt and diamonds, and significant quantities of gold, copper, tungsten, tin... But slavery and decades of corruption have turned it into one of the poorest...
Haiti is very rich in history, and was the first Black country to win its independence. It's the second largest island in the Greater Antilles and shares the Caribbean archipelago with the Dominican Republic. In 1492, Christopher Columbus landed on the island and the Spanish occupation of Haiti went from 1492 to 1625...
Inhabited by Berber tribes, Phoenicians founded Carthage in the 9th century BC. A century later the Arab Muslim conquest occurred in the region, and the first Ottoman conquest of Tunis took place in 1534. It was later a French protectorate from 1881 until independence in 1956. Leader of the independence movement...


Extraordinary people, saving lives around the world!
Dr. Tom Catena

Dr. Tom Catena
Nuba Mountains - Sudan

The Nuba people are under siege, enduring daily bombings, trauma and infectious disease. Dr. Tom Catena is their only doctor. He is the surgeon, ob-gyn, and pediatrician for a million people living in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan, and he works seven days a week with limited resources in the middle of a war zone. Director Kenneth A. Carlson's film 'The Heart of Nuba' (2016) covers the work of Dr. Tom Catena.
More info about Dr. Tom Catena

Visit our page dedicated to the film | Visiter la page en françaisEn français

Visit The Heart of Nuba (Movie) Website

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Become a fundraiser for Dr. Tom!

Dr. Denis Mukwege

Dr. Denis Mukwege
Panzi Hospital - Congo (DRC)

Dr. Denis Mukwege is a world-renowned gynecological surgeon, founder and medical director of Panzi Hospital in Bukavu. He has earned several international prizes: United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights (2008), the Right Livelihood Award (2013) and the Sakharov Prize (2014). The documentary 'The man who mends women - The wrath of Hippocrates' (2015) profiles his incredible work.
More info about Dr. Denis Mukwege

Visit the Panzi Foundation

Follow Dr Denis Mukwege on Facebook

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Visit Dr Denis Mukwege Foundation

Twitter Roundup

Tweets on Human Rights, World News, Calls to Action. Curated by the MagkaSama Team
View more tweets on this page. Follow Us @MagkaSama

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