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The Elders

Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available | En français Voir les Articles en français

Paris Peace Forum with UN Women, Reporters without Borders, The Elders and many others

In May we announced the first Paris Peace Forum which started this weekend and is taking place in La Grande Halle de La Villette in Paris, France until today. Many organizations are attending the event and we took this opportunity to meet with some of them....

Mobile Film Festival 2018: 51 minutes for Human Rights #StandUp4HumanRights

Ten years ago, to mark the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), our founder Max Dana launched the ’60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary’ Initiative supported by Amnesty International, UNICEF, UNHCR, Human Rights Watch, FIDH, Reporters without...

Human Rights debate with The Elders and young leaders at SOAS University of London

Yesterday, members of The Elders, former UN representatives and the next generation of leaders from the British Council’s Future Leaders Connect programme organized an evening of debate and discussion on human rights. We sent the link to watch the broadcast of the online event in...

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-48): Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C

Climate change and global warming are a reality, we can hardly deny it. The world is indeed getting warmer and human activity is largely responsible. It means extreme weather events could become the new normal, with an increasing number of persons displaced by natural disasters....

News Digest (Aug. 25, 2018): Kofi Annan has died, UK deporting people, The Sudan Call coalition, Aquarius…

News Digest (Aug. 25, 2018): Kofi Annan has died, UK deporting people, The Sudan Call coalition, Aquarius…

This is our fourth Weekly News Digest of August, it is a selected compilation of recent stories we publish each Saturday during Summertime. Today: Students and doctor died in Sudan; UK deporting people; The Sudan Call coalition of opposition parties; South Sudan’s forests; Former...

Take Action; Inspire Change; Make Every Day a Mandela Day!

Take Action; Inspire Change; Make Every Day a Mandela Day!

Mandela Day, celebrated on July 18, is an annual international day adopted by the United Nations. People around the world are celebrating Nelson Mandela as he should have turned 100. Remember these wrods by Nelson Mandela on this special day: ‘A good head and a good heart are always...

Web monitoring devices in Iran, Sudan, Greenpeace activists, Hina Jilani and Ernesto Zedillo

Web monitoring devices in Iran, Sudan, Greenpeace activists, Hina Jilani and Ernesto Zedillo

Our weekly round-up of must-read stories you might have missed: Web monitoring devices made by U.S. firm Blue Coat detected in Iran, Sudan; Greenpeace activists scale London's Shard tower; Kofi Annan announces two new Elders: Hina Jilani and Ernesto Zedillo. - Report: Web monitoring...

Kofi Annan appointed Chair of The Elders

The first important action of the MagkaSama Project was when Max Dana launched the “60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary” Initiative to support the Every Human Has Rights Campaign (The Elders / CIVICUS) on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human...

Stéphane Hessel has died at the age of 95

Stéphane Hessel became famous in 2010 when he published his protest manifesto: ‘Time for Outrage’. But long before that, Hessel was a diplomat, ambassador, writer, concentration camp survivor, French Resistance member and BCRA agent. When Max Dana launched the  “60 Signers...

The Every Human Has Rights Campaign by The Elders / CIVICUS

Every Human Has Rights was launched in 2008 by The Elders as a campaign to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights.  The year saw the beginnings of a revival of awareness of the Declaration and its principles, which still hold strong today. To celebrate this...

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