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Enough Project

Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available | En français Voir les Articles en français

Sudan: Illegal migration, Religious oppression, Removal of sanctions and the ICC

Here’s a news roundup of the recent news regarding Sudan. We selected four articles we consider worth the read, on topics we regularly evoke on the MagkaSama Project. Let’s start with this article from Sudan Tribune: Sudan vows continued cooperation with EU to combat illegal...

Demand the Supply: Ranking Consumer Electronics and Jewelry Retail Companies (Enough Project)

Conflict minerals is an important topic we are closely following for a couple of years now as we have been supporting many campaigns and initiatives. Yesterday The Enough Project hosted an activist call to discuss their latest rankings and ways consumers can take action and we of course...

Ominous Threats Descending On Darfur by Suliman Baldo (Enough Project)

Ominous Threats Descending On Darfur by Suliman Baldo (Enough Project)

In this new report, Enough Project Senior Advisor Dr. Suliman Baldo, analyzes tensions and dynamics surrounding the mandatory weapons collection and unlicensed vehicle regularization/confiscation campaign that is currently underway in the five Darfur and three Kordofan federal states in...

US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley in Congo

US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley in Congo

The situation in Congo is not getting any better. Last month Dr Denis Mukwege expressed his concerns regarding the recent events in the country, and the latest report by The Sentry confirmed the critical situation. You can read more in our article on this page (in French). During her...

John Prendergast and Ian Schwab (Enough Project): ‘The Sudan Sanctions Must Stay’

John Prendergast and Ian Schwab (Enough Project): ‘The Sudan Sanctions Must Stay’

A few months ago, we wrote an editorial about the bewildering (to say the least) lift of U.S sanctions on Sudan in: Sudan: From Darfur and chemical attacks to European partnership and U.S collaboration. In a recent article published on U.S. News & World Report website, John...

Sudan: From Darfur and chemical attacks to European partnership and U.S collaboration

In September 2016, Amnesty International published an alarming report: Chemical weapons have been used by Sudan against civilians in Darfur conflict; between 200 and 250 people may have died as a result of exposure to the chemical weapons agents. Here is our post about it. A month later,...

Projection du film ‘The Good Lie’ avec Reese Witherspoon et Discussion sur le Soudan

Le week-end dernier nous avons eu le plaisir d’accueillir une partie de nos Membres parisiens pour une projection du film ‘The Good Lie’, avec le soutien de l’association américaine The Enough Project qui nous a fourni de nombreuses éléments afin d’animer...

The Sentry: 'In South Sudan, war crimes shouldn’t pay'

The Sentry: ‘In South Sudan, war crimes shouldn’t pay’

Yesterday The Sentry‘s 2-year investigation revealed networks fueling one of the world’s deadliest conflict zones implicating President Salva Kiir and former Vice President Riek Machar, international banks, arms dealers, multinational oil and mining companies. We live-tweeted the...

Speak out against Bashir’s upcoming visit to the UN!

Enough Project invites you to sign the Petition to Urge President Obama to Act and Respond to Bashir’s Planned Visit. President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan, who is indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur, is planning to...

How Joseph Kony Funds His Army

On April, Amnesty USA wrote: ‘Joseph Kony Was Here’. From our Top Stories: While international justice has seen many milestones over the last months, including the surrender of “The Terminator” Bosco Ntaganda, one of the most well known fugitives from the International...

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