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Act for Sudan

Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available | En français Voir les Articles en français

Act for Sudan: ‘The United States must expel Mohammed Atta al-Moula’

Act for Sudan: ‘The United States must expel Mohammed Atta al-Moula’

Last month, Act for Sudan sent a letter to Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo, to express their concern over the acceptance in the United States of Sudan’s former Director of National Intelligence and Security Service (2009-2018), Mohammed Atta al-Moula as the new Charge d’Affaires...

‘Lessons and Challenges from the Genocide in Sudan’ by Eric Cohen (Act for Sudan)

‘Lessons and Challenges from the Genocide in Sudan’ by Eric Cohen (Act for Sudan)

Act for Sudan is an alliance of American citizen activists and Sudanese U.S. residents who advocate for an end to genocide and mass atrocities in Sudan. We often support their actions and join them in their advocacy, signing letters and sharing their news and reports. Act for Sudan’s...

Letters to Deputy Secretary of State and to Congress regarding the Sudan Regime

Letters to Deputy Secretary of State and to Congress regarding the Sudan Regime

Last week, Act for Sudan published two letters: one to Deputy Secretary of State: Humanitarian Aid for the People of Sudan, the other one to Congress: Ongoing Human Rights and International Law Violations by the Sudan Regime. Extract from the first letter addressed to Mr. John J....

John Prendergast and Ian Schwab (Enough Project): ‘The Sudan Sanctions Must Stay’

John Prendergast and Ian Schwab (Enough Project): ‘The Sudan Sanctions Must Stay’

A few months ago, we wrote an editorial about the bewildering (to say the least) lift of U.S sanctions on Sudan in: Sudan: From Darfur and chemical attacks to European partnership and U.S collaboration. In a recent article published on U.S. News & World Report website, John...

NGOs call for strong, action-oriented resolution on Sudan at UN Human Rights Council

NGOs call for strong, action-oriented resolution on Sudan at UN Human Rights Council

The MagkaSama Project, with more than 20 other organizations, signed the letter by The African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) regarding the human rights situation in Sudan addressed to the Permanent Representatives of Members and Observer States of the UN Human Rights...

Nafie Ali Nafie: Not Welcome in America

The US State Department has invited  a senior delegation of the National Congress Party (NCP), headed by Nafie Ali Nafie, the Sudanese presidential assistant and deputy chairman of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP), to visit the United States for ‘high level talks‘....

Sudan Emergency Action Summit 2013 and Darfur10

This week-end and for two days, we followed the Sudan Emergency Action Summit 2013 sponsored by Act for Sudan, at George Mason University, and we listened to speakers, watched the sessions and panels. About the Summit: ‘The Sudan Emergency Action Summit is organized by Act for...

Darfur10:  More than 300,000 killed and 4 million displaced, time to call for action again!

Darfur10: More than 300,000 killed and 4 million displaced, time to call for action again!

Ten years ago, the Government of Sudan began a genocide against civilians in Darfur killing more than 300,000 and displacing 4 million Darfuris. Despite attempts at peace, the killing continues today. Even with a U.N. peacekeeping force on the ground, Darfuris remain vulnerable to attacks...

Darfur 10, Hussain Begira and the Sudan Emergency Action Summit

Darfur 10, Hussain Begira and the Sudan Emergency Action Summit

Mali only waited months, why has Darfur suffered for a decade? This is the question asked by Hussain Begira, Chairman for Darfur Union in the UK and Ireland. In his article published on CNN yesterday, he points out the fact that ‘Military intervention in Mali has been swift —...

International Rewards May Embolden Genocidal Regime, Sudanese Rights Groups Say

International Rewards May Embolden Genocidal Regime, Sudanese Rights Groups Say

Two weeks ago we published a press release from Act for Sudan:  Rights Groups, Genocide Scholars ask Germany to cancel Sudan Investment Conference. Yesterday, Janessa Schilmoeller posted on MPN: International Rewards May Embolden Genocidal Regime, Sudanese Rights Groups Say. She writes:...

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