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Opinions (Editorial / Op-Ed / Interviews)

Note: Posts published before September 2017 have been archived. Some older posts remain available | En français Voir les Articles en français

Tourism in Haiti: All the reasons to visit the beautiful Caribbean country

One of the 4 countries we focus on at the MagkaSama Project is Haiti. We love this country, its history and the people, and we regularly publish news about the country you can read on this page. Even if the news are not always very joyful as Haiti is facing many difficulties (such as the...

Belgian government at risk of collapse over Sudan migrants scandal, deportations and torture

Every year, hundred of thousands of refugees and migrants are willing to risk their lives in Mediterranean or Sahara, or risk freezing to death in snowy Alps to reach France (read our post in French: Situation des migrants en France : les actions de La Cimade et les mots de Raphaël...

La France et la Belgique permettent-elles au Soudan de repartier d’Europe des opposants ?

La France et la Belgique permettent-elles au Soudan de repartier d’Europe des opposants ?

C’est la question que l’on est en droit de se poser à la lecture de cet article publié cette semaine sur le site Le Monde. Il est écrit collectivement par des gens bien informés que nous connaissons bien, à savoir Aïcha El Basri, ancienne porte-parole de la Mission de...

Denis Mukwege et l’avenir de la RD du Congo

Le Docteur Denis Mukwege est gynécologue, il est le fondateur et Médecin Directeur de l’hôpital Général de Référence de Panzi (faisant parti de la Panzi Foundation) en RD du Congo. Vous connaissez déjà bien ce médecin si vous nous lisez régulièrement, notamment par le...

Sudan: From Darfur and chemical attacks to European partnership and U.S collaboration

In September 2016, Amnesty International published an alarming report: Chemical weapons have been used by Sudan against civilians in Darfur conflict; between 200 and 250 people may have died as a result of exposure to the chemical weapons agents. Here is our post about it. A month later,...

Congo : Les voitures électriques sont-elles construites par le travail des enfants ?

Congo : Les voitures électriques sont-elles construites par le travail des enfants ?

Alors que le Mondial de l’Automobile a ouvert ses portes à Paris ce week-end, Amnesty International (France) en a profité pour revenir sur le rapport publié en début d’année : ‘Voilà pourquoi on meurt‘ et qui soulève un flou persistant sur le recours au...

Syria : Deadly air strikes hit two Aleppo hospitals

The last 10 days have been deadly in Aleppo. Syrian forces and Russia are intensifying their bombings and hundreds of people have been killed. Hospitals, clinics, ambulances, medical staff and rescue teams have been hit by airstrikes and the civilian death toll climbed. Last week a...

Congo: Up to 50 killed after anti-Kabila demonstration in Kinshasa

Joseph Kabila has served as president of the Democratic Republic of Congo since 2001, after his father, Laurent-Désiré Kabilla was assassinated. In 2005, a new post-war constitution has been voted, and occording to it, a presidential election must be held every five years, with a...

Abyei Referendum: Sudan wants is oil, South Sudan wants its people, by Max Dana

The Abyei status referendum is a delayed referendum that was originally due to be held in 2011 in which the residents of Abyei can decide either to remain part of the Sudanese South Kordofan region or to become part of the Bahr el Ghazal region of South Sudan. This is what you can learn...

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