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Half the Sky Movement: The Game now on Facebook

MagkaSama Team - March 5, 2013
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Half the Sky Movement: The GameLast month we published a news: Half the Sky Movement: The Game and other cause games. Since yesterday you can play Half the Sky Movement: The Game on Facebook.

We have played the game and it’s great. Critics so far have been very good and enthusiastic:

The Los Angeles Times writes: Half the Sky meets Farmville in Facebook game aimed at doing good. ‘During the game, players can unlock a part of $250,000 in real donations from Johnson & Johnson that pay for surgeries via the Fistula Foundation, or a $250,000 donation to support books for schoolchildren via Room to Read. There’s another way to give, too. Players may choose to move through the game faster by making donations to a choice of seven charities that enrich the lives of women and children. For example, if you come upon a child in need of vaccination in the game, you can make a donation that will fund vaccinations for real-life girls.’

On The Guardian: Half the Sky Facebook game launches with women’s empowerment at core. ‘Unlike most social games, it is impossible to lose, although certain choices will help players achieve the goals sooner. “There is no wrong answer that is going to penalize you. Again, that’s trying to focus on the opportunity that there is hope, and that sometimes you just need a different path,” Byrd said. With the immense popularity of social gaming – more than 300 million people play these games each month – social impact games have become increasingly popular.’

And on The Huffington Post: ‘Half The Sky’ Facebook Game Highlights Human Trafficking, Maternal Mortality. ‘Facebookers are able to donate to charities while playing by completing tasks and buying virtual goods that will then help real-world nonprofit recipients through specific organizations. Buying a virtual goal in the game, for example, also presents an opportunity to buy one for a real family in need. “The game play blurs lines between what’s happening in the virtual world with what’s happening in the real world,” Kristof said. “So you collect books in the virtual world and a real book will go in the hands of a real girl somewhere.” HuffPost Live host Marc Lamont Hill questioned whether young people want to play educational games on Facebook, but did credit learning about issues such as dysentery from Oregon Trail.’

You can play Half the Sky Movement: The Game on Facebook and follow Half the Sky Movement on Twitter. Watch the game trailer below to learn more and don’t hesitate to share your experience of the game with us!


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