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Lisa Shannon receives a doctorate of humane letters, Georgetown University

MagkaSama Team - May 24, 2013
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Lisa ShannonGeorgetown University held its commencement festivities this past weekend, and this year’s commencement speakers included women’s rights activist Lisa Shannon.

We’ve been supporting Lisa Shannon (she is mentioned in our Inspirational People and committed individuals section) for a long time, she is the founder of Run for Congo Women and author of A Thousand Sisters.

She told the graduating class of Georgetown College today that having empathy for those in need will allow them to live a fulfilling and fearless life capable of changing the world.

“Flip [the empathy switch] on, keep it on,” said Shannon, who received the degree doctor of humane letters, honoris causa during the Georgetown College commencement. “It will fuel you over the threshold of doubt and fear and discomfort to find power.”

“I am struck with gratitude for the people I have met—friends, mentors, peers, and professors—and the support and guidance they have provided,” said Kylie Sago (C’13). “I am particularly grateful for the personal and intellectual growth they have inspired, which has given me direction for the next steps after graduation.”

“That’s all any of us need to do: Step up without permission or endorsements or anyone to say ‘go,’” she said. “Stumble, fail, fake it, take it as far as you can and trust that the reverberations are far bigger than anything your going to be able to measure in your lifetime.”

“I think the commitment to social justice is at the heart of Jesuit ideology and I’m really, really happy to have been a part of it,” said Albert Eisenberg (C’13). “I think Georgetown’s really interested in touching the lives of people on the earth and improving the world, however its graduates do this.”

You can watch Lisa Shannon’s acceptance speech below (starts at09:35):

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