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Paris, France
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Posts by MagkaSama Team

Les 7èmes Rencontres Nationales des acteurs de la solidarité avec Haïti

Les 7èmes Rencontres Nationales des acteurs de la solidarité avec Haïti

Nous relayons régulièrement les rendez-vous en France qui ont pour but d’assurer la promotion d’Haïti, dans le domaine de l’art, de la musique ou bien encore dans le cadre d’échanges et de solidarité. En juin nous vous invitions à participer à...

Interview Series: Sudan – Part 3: Interview with Esther Sprague (Sudan Unlimited)

It is hard for the Sudanese that I talk with to understand these polices of Europe and the U.S. In the past, both have been strong allies of the people of Sudan in their efforts to secure freedom, equal citizenship and a just peace. It does not make sense to Sudanese for the E.U. to...

The impact of EU migration policies on central Saharan routes – By Clingendael

Clingendael – the Netherlands Institute of International Relations – is a leading think tank and academy on international affairs which aims to contribute to a secure, sustainable and just world. Earlier this month they published an online report on the effects of EU migration...

Watch The Journey of Gold and Support conflict-free artisanal gold sourcing in Congo!

On Friday last week, we asked our Members, friends and supporters who are concerned about conflict minerals, to watch The Journey of Gold, a Virtual Reality experience exploring Nyamurhale, an artisanal gold mine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)....

Elections in DR Congo: Delays and Red Flags – A report by The Sentry

The long-delayed elections in Congo (DRC) will take place on December, 2018. We posted many news about the upcoming DRC general election: in June, opposition leader Jean-Pierre Bemba was acquitted: International Criminal Court acquits DR Congo’s former vice president Bemba on appeal....

South Sudan Peace Deal with armed opposition groups fails to address corruption at root of conflict

In June we posted a news about the peace deal signed in Khartoum: after almost five years of a deadly civil war, South Sudanese President Salva Kiir and South Sudan’s opposition leader Riek Machar met in Khartoum. Read our news: Salva Kiir and Riek Machar strike peace deal in Khartoum....

Interview Series: Sudan – Part 2: Interview with Radio Dabanga

As of 15 November 2008, Radio Dabanga came on air: an exiled radio station by Sudanese, for Sudanese. Since 1 December 2008, the station aired news and information broadcasts. It currently broadcasts one hour of daily programming from Amsterdam. Radio Dabanga was first and foremost a...

Soutenez La Chaîne de l’Espoir en participant aux 20km de Paris et des nouvelles de la petite Sophea !

Alors que la rentrée de septembre est maintenant bien entâmée et que le beau temps est toujours là, c’est le moment de faire partager votre énergie accumulée pendant la période estivale en joignant l’utile à l’agréable ! La Chaîne de l’Espoir vous propose...

#RiseforClimate Global Day of Action: Thousands joined the climate movement around the world!

The MagkaSama Project has been advocating for action on environmental issues for more than a decade. In 2015, we covered the COP21 by taking action and joining demonstrations in Paris. You can read more about what we did in this news: COP21 in Paris: Get mobilized for climate! People...
Six Tunisian men awaiting trial in Italy for saving migrants

Six Tunisian men awaiting trial in Italy for saving migrants

Everyday, migrants risk their lives through the Mediterranean Sea, trying to reach the European coasts. In June we wrote about the rescue vessel Aquarius, the boat of Franco-German founded organisation SOS Méditerranée whose goal is to aid immigrants who attempt to cross the...

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