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Paris, France
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Posts by MagkaSama Team

Jailed Ethiopian journalist and blogger Eskinder Nega has been released!

Jailed Ethiopian journalist and blogger Eskinder Nega has been released!

We have been supporting Ethiopian journalist and blogger Eskinder Nega the last 5 years, and we called for his release several times. In this post from 2013: Free Ethiopian Journalist Eskinder Nega, we shared a video of Nega. A couple of months later, in a smuggled letter from prison,...

Open letter concerning the crackdown on peaceful protests in Sudan

In September 2017, we signed the letter by The African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) with other NGOs calling for strong, action-oriented resolution on Sudan at UN Human Rights Council. Read our post here. Once again, Sudanese security forces have arrested scores of people...

Valentine’s Day: The Hidden Cost of Jewelry – Jewelers Should Come Clean (HRW)

Each year on February 14th, many people celebrate Valentine’s Day, the day of romance. They exchange cards or gifts with their ‘valentine’. This day is today and it is the perfect occasion to draw attention to a very sensible topic: conflict minerals. This is not new on the...
Soirée ‘Combattre l’esclavage en Libye et dans le monde’ le 14 février 2018 à Paris

Soirée ‘Combattre l’esclavage en Libye et dans le monde’ le 14 février 2018 à Paris

L’esclavage en Libye est une triste réalité contre laquelle nous devons pourtant lutter. Nous avons déjà abordé le sujet à plusieurs reprises sur le MagkaSama Project et vous pouvez (re)lire nos précédents articles pour en apprendre un peu plus : Pirates au Sahara par...

Sudan: Economic collapse accelerating and inflation rate at 128%…

In our post from last month: Sudanese refugees facing deportation amid excessive use of force on peaceful demonstrators in Sudan, we mentioned an article by KACE Sudan in which they explained that demonstrations across Sudan began on 6 January, set off by the announcement of Sudan’s...
‘Douces déroutes’, le nouveau roman de Yanick Lahens

‘Douces déroutes’, le nouveau roman de Yanick Lahens

Yanick Lahens est une écrivaine haïtienne reconnue et très impliquée en Haiti pour y avoir fondé plusieurs associations et une bibliothèque à Saint-Louis-du-Nord. Le mois dernier l’auteure a sorti son nouveau livre chez Sabine Wespieser, un roman intitulé ‘Douces...

La Chaîne de l’Espoir inaugure le Centre Cardio Pédiatrique Cuomo de Dakar !

Nous soutenons les actions de La Chaîne de l’Espoir et si nous relayons régulièrement leurs événements et conférences sur le site et dans nos Newsletters, il est aujourd’hui question d’une inauguration, celle du Centre Cardio-Pédiatrique Cuomo (CCPC) de Dakar au...

‘As A Haitian-American, I Stand Proud Of My Heritage’ – By Littane Bien-Aime

Since last year, several disparaging words and disgraceful remarks made by Donald Trump have shocked and stirred controversy. As he was being presented with a proposal to restore protections for immigrants, he declared: ‘Why are we having all these people from shithole countries...

Sudanese refugees facing deportation amid excessive use of force on peaceful demonstrators in Sudan

Earlier this month, we posted an article about the Belgian government at risk of collapse over Sudan migrants scandal, deportations and torture. French newspaper Le Monde broke the story last year (read our post here) reporting that officials from Khartoum handpicked political opponents...

‘There was nobody to help us’ – HART visit to Blue Nile, January 2018

People in Blue Nile, Sudan are suffering. They face many challenges and HART (Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust) visited the region earlier this month, meeting community leaders, activists and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). Earlier this month HART visited #BlueNile in #Sudan. Crowds of...

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