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Paris, France
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Posts by MagkaSama Team

Sudanese activist Hisham Ali deported from Saudi Arabia detained in Khartoum

Sudanese activist Hisham Ali deported from Saudi Arabia detained in Khartoum

Last week, Radio Dabanga reported that Sudanese activist Hisham Ali who was deported from Saudi Arabia, has been detained in Khartoum since May 29. Hisham Ali has been a political activist for many years, and in 2013 he exposed the Sudanese government corruption. He also wrote about...

La 54ème édition du Festival International de Carthage du 13 juillet au 17 août 2018

La période estivale est chargée en événements culturels en Tunisie : en juin nous vous parlions notamment du Festival International de Poésie de Sidi Bou Saïd, et la semaine dernière du Comic Con Tunisia et expo-vente artisanale Sifna Tounsi à Tunis. Aujourd’hui c’est...
La Chaîne de l’Espoir lance un appel pour Mirana, 2 ans

La Chaîne de l’Espoir lance un appel pour Mirana, 2 ans

Si nous parlons régulièrement des activités de La Chaîne de l’Espoir, avec notamment le mois dernier l’expo-vente ‘Les Timouns des Abricots’, nous relayons aussi les appels de l’association lorsqu’il s’agit d’aider au financement d’opérations...

All Sudan Demo: over 400 people calling out Prime Minister Theresa May in London

Last month we announced you the All Sudan Demo organized by Waging Peace on June 30, 2018 in London (read our news here). The organization wanted to mark 29 years since President Omar al-Bashir assumed office after a military coup. Many people rallied Waging Peace #SudanPoorGovernance...
Putting the Interests of the Sudanese People First – By Esther Sprague (Sudan Unlimited)

Putting the Interests of the Sudanese People First – By Esther Sprague (Sudan Unlimited)

Esther Sprague, founder of Sudan Unlimited, posted a very interesting article we want to share with you, titled: The Demand for Real Change: Putting the Interests of the Sudanese People First. In her post she explains how the U.S. and Europe have championed the cause of the people of...

Comic Con Tunisia et expo-vente artisanale Sifna Tounsi à Tunis

La Tunisie est un pays riche et moderne aux nombreuses facettes, nous vous parlons régulièrement de l’actualité économique, politique, culturelle et sociale du pays que vous pouvez suivre sur notre page dédiée En Route to Tunisia. Place aujourd’hui à deux événements...
A nonprofit is helping Haiti’s literacy rate in the ‘forgotten villages’ of Masson and Sarazin

A nonprofit is helping Haiti’s literacy rate in the ‘forgotten villages’ of Masson and Sarazin

We read an interesting article published on the Haitian Times a couple of days ago titled: How One Organization of Haitian-American Youth is Helping Haiti’s Literacy Rate. Carlotta Mohamed writes about LASH, a mobile project spearheaded by Haitian Americans United for Progress (HAUP), a...
Les survivantes de violences sexuelles interpellent la communauté internationale aux côtés du Dr Mukwege

Les survivantes de violences sexuelles interpellent la communauté internationale aux côtés du Dr Mukwege

Il y a quelques jours, en parallèle du Conseil des Droits Humains à Genève, des survivantes de violences sexuelles ont interpelé la communauté internationale pour la reconnaissance et des réparations suite aux agressions qu’elles ont subit. On peut lire sur le site de la...

Salva Kiir and Riek Machar strike peace deal in Khartoum

After almost five years of a deadly civil war, South Sudanese President Salva Kiir and South Sudan’s opposition leader Riek Machar meet in Khartoum on June 25, 2018, and it seems the two leaders reached compromises on a number of outstanding issues. Times Live wrote about this...
Radio Dabanga: 12 days left to support them!

Radio Dabanga: 12 days left to support them!

A couple of weeks ago, we sent a Special Newsletter to let you know about the crowdfunding campaign launched by Radio Dabanga in May. We know many of you decided to support them, and there is still time to make a donation (12 days left!) for those who didn’t participate yet. Last...

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